Chapter 12

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... Carlos calls you...

Carlos:"Hey. I just got in the motorhome and got to hear you quit your job here at ferrari. Why? Is it because of Max?"
Y/n:"Yeah. You know... People found out about me and Max and wanted to tell it to the FIA... So Christian got to hear about too.. And you know.... He offered me a job as second team principle of Red Bull... So..."
Carlos:"So you quit your job here at Ferrari... For your carreer and love life.... I understand that. But I will miss you here at Ferrari... You are my little sister and also my favorite..."

You two laughed and talked a bit. In the end you and Carlos want to meet for dinner tonight. Also you should bring Max he said.
You wondered what was into him, that he now want to invite Max as well. In the morning he still wanted you and Max to break up and wanted to punch Max. And now he wants you to bring Max with you to a dinner night. Does he finally accept you and Max as a couple or does he just want to punch him again tonight. You are not sure about that but you did not think any longer about it.

Max:"Hey Sweetie... You okay? He look like you are doubting about something..."
Y/n:"Yes I am okay... But Carlos just called me, because now he knows about me quitting my job at Ferrari for my carreer but mir for our love life... But he do accept it, so now comes the weird part, that I do not understand.... He wants us... You and me... To come to dinner with him tonight..."
Max:" what's weird about that? "
Y/n":You know... In the morning he first wanted us to break up and punch you in the face... But now he want us two to come with him to dinner....?! " be continued...

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