Chapter 16

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After you two had your moment in the shower you get out and get changed... But you wondered why Max is suiting up in a suit. Till you noticed that there is a after-race-party. So you quick changed from your hoodie to a beautiful, long, blue dress.
(just matching with Max his suit)
As you entered the bedroom Max just stares at you.

Max:" Wow... I've got no words to tell you how stunning you look. I mean... No I don't mean anything... I've just can't say it in words how perfect you are... And how lucky I can be to have you by my side. And I hope it'll be for the rest of my entire life and onr more... "

You blush...

Y/n:" Thank you...Did you now that you should be a philosoph and not a Formula one driver... I think that'll suit you perfectly!"
Max:" I already did think about it, but I think now I should not switch my job... Now where I could be a World Champion... Because this year is my year, and nobody will change that... Believe me! "

You two laughed and get ready to go... As you reached the car Max opens your door like a gentleman and also reaches you his hand. You laughed at this and waited for him to enter the car. As soon as you found your way to the party, you get out of the car and walk in. Everybody stares at Max and you, like you two had something in your face. But nothing was there. Only Max knew what was going on, but he did not want to tell it to you yet.

Y/n:"Max... Why are they all staring at us? I mean they did all see us this afternoon together... So they all know about our relationship, don't they?"
Max:"I don't know exactly, but I've got a theory that I can't tell you by now... You have to wait a few more days, weeks or months maybe years... Who knows it..."

You give him a death stare and he instantly knows that you have a problem with that kind of secret. But you except it by now, because you just don't have another election.

You two enjoy your evening
You laughed and talked with all the people of the team and the drivers that also were invited to the party of RedBull.
But it's late and you get tired, so Max drives you two safe to the hotel and take you bridal style to your room. Since you fell asleep in the car nothing happened that night and you two just slept like stones till the next morning.

... to be continued...

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