Chapter 21

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You stand there in shook, and wait for anyone to say something. But you are the person everybody waits on to say something. Max still knees down in front of you, with a big Diamant ring. Daniel sits on the couch and watches you two, but does not try to make any noise. It feels like the time would stand still at the moment. Everything goes trough your head. Your whole life and especially the last 9 months. The 9 months you spended mostly with Max, which is waiting for you to answer on the most special question in a life. You overthink your whole answer in your head like 10 times. Till...

Y/n:" Daniel? Could you give us some privacy?"

Daniel just nodds and gets out of the room, with closing the door behind him.

Y/n:" You know Max...."
Max:" I know what you are going to say... We don't know each other that long... And we don't know each other that well... But you know what... That all can be... We can make it although we're engaded and we know extremely much about the other. Although it were only 9 month, I feel like knowing you since the begin of my life. "
Y/n:" Max... Just let me finish my sentence... Then you can finish your little romantic speech... Alright? "

He laughs a bit and then nodds. So you can continue.

Y/n:" Max, I'll love you till the end of my life and one day I also want to be the mother of our children. I want you to be the men, besides I wake up everyday till the end of my life. And I want you to never get far away from me, so I won't have to miss you anytime. So Max the answer to the question is....YES I WILL BE YOUR WIFE! "

The door opens and Daniel comes in with a confetticanon and a music box to celebrate. You and Max laugh. Then Max takes your hand and puts the ring on it. He picks you up and kiss you and spins you around.

Y/n:" But wait... Did you ask my brother about that?"
Max:" Yes, Sweetie I did.. Otherwise when he'll find out, I couldn't be your husband... You know what I mean..."

You three laugh and celebrate with Max his dinner. It was not as bad as you and Daniel thought it was. So you enjoyed your evening. After Daniel gets home you and Max started to mind your own business.

Think your own little part🔞 be continued...

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