Chapter 23

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Lando calls Max...

Lando:" Hey mate, you and Y/n huh? You proposed to her? Gratulation to it!"
Max:" Thanks mate. Yeah, Y/n and me... Daniel helped with the plan, so I am wondering why you didn't knew about it!"

He laughed, just because he thinks Daniel could not keep secrets that long.

Lando:" Yeah, you know... I knew about it since 2 weeks... Daniel couldn't hide it any longer from me... But I think it's late now... So... "

You wake up while Max is talking to Lando.

Y/n:" Who is that, Honey? Is it my brother?"
Max:" It's Lando. He is happy about the thing between us two... Also Daniel told him about it two weeks ago... So he knew it already, but wanted to do as he didn't knew it..."
Lando:" Say Y/n hi from me... But I have to go to bed now... I've got a meeting in the morning. Bye Super Max..."

Max can't even say bye, because Lando already hung up on him.

Max:" I should say hi to you from little Lando and now we should go to bed, don't you think... I mean you're tired already since you slept while I was watching the movie. "

He laughs and stands up to get to bed.

Y/n:" Yeah... You're probably right, so Maxie?"

You say in a long note. So he would get you to bed upstairs.

Max:" Alright Sweetie. Your luck I've trained in the morning... "

He says while you two are laughing. He picks you up and takes you upstairs into bed. Since you two already changed into something comfy hours ago, you just could lay down instantly. Max lies down besides you and you cuddle up on him. You two fall asleep right away.

Next morning

Next morning Max wasn't besides you anymore when you woke up. So you decided to lay in bed a bit longer. So you checked up on your phone and saw that you've got a lot of messages from your family and friends. You answered all the messages and finally stood up after a hour of laying in bed. You got ready and went down. be continued...

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