Chapter 40

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As Max comes from golfing home you were already waiting for him. You sat on the couch and watch a movie. He comes up to you and kisses you.

Max:" I am so proud of you that you forgive Charles after that long of time. Do you want to go out for dinner?"
Y/n:" Sure I want to... Give me ten minutes and I'm ready."

And you were right.. Not ten minutes later you stood ready dressed at the front door. Then Max comes after you and he was impressed from your fastness.

Max:" I did not know that you could be that fast by getting ready. You were faster than I was. And that is normally impossible. That should give a trophy for you. So the next one I'll win is yours. That idea is just perfect, isn't it?"

You laugh because Max just kept talking without letting you answer one of his questions.

Y/n:" Thanks you're letting me answer to your questions. I like the idea of your next trophy is mine. That'll take place in the middle of the dining table. And I'll tape it with my name on it. So do you think we could take of... Or does the sir has to get his nose powdered? "
Max:" No... We can I think... Wait... "

He takes a last look in the mirrow... Touches his nose and said...

Max:" We can go"

You laugh and went out the apartment to drive to a restaurant. There you ate and come back afterwards. You instantly fell asleep as you lie down in bed. be continued...

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