Chapter 50

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Y/n:" Tell me why they all want a picture of me today? What had have happened over night to me? I mean I did nothing. I didn't even uploaded in weeks on my instagram."
Max:" I don't know either. I mean I can't explain it to you, but in future you'll have to be able to except it. Because when we are married they will be everywhere in every moment. "
Y/n:" Yeah I know. I mean I don't hate it. But it is new to me. Befor today nobody knew me and I just wanna know why they do now? "

Carlos comes from behind and joins you two.

Carlos:" Hey miss popular. What have you done over night? "
Y/n:" Actually we don't know either. This morning there was a girl that wanted to take a picture with me. And I was in the city with Max. But no she asked me for a picture."
Max:" Yeah and it was new to me to take the picture. I'll tell you Carlos. To stand in front of the camera is way easier and chilling for both sides. So as a driver just know that you should always stay infront of that camera. "

You all laugh and make your way to the motorhomes. There you and Max eat something for lunch and do some pre-race-training like reaction training and some massages.
After all that you check your instagram and see the photo from that morning. You like it and upload it in your story.

Then it was finally time for Max to go out on track. You wished him very much luck and he kissed you for a oong time.


The race was overall calm. A few red flags where you have been with Max down in the garage. After a while Max and Lewis had an incident and Max had to give Lewis the first place back, what was very frustrating for everyone at Red Bull.
But Max finished second, right behind Lewis.
Since it was the second last race of that season, the title fight was getting real. After that race Lewis and Max's points stand on the same. 369 points.

At the last race in abu dhabi it will be

The winner takes it all be continued...

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