Chapter 9

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At 8:30 p.m. you were back at the hotel. You quickly went to your room and changed into something comfy. Directly after you went to Max, who was waiting for you. He prepared the whole night. He bought some of your favorite drinks and snacks. Also he lighted up the room with candles and prepared the bed with the warmest and fluffiest blankets of the world.

Max:" Hey Sweetie. Finally youˋre here. Iˋve waited the whole day.."

He comes up to you and kisses you.

Y/n:" He handsome. You got my favorite snacks and drinks, but how do you know?"
Max:" I got me secret helpers", he says while giving you a little wink." But now come on I want to start watching a movie. Also I searhed up for some movies I hope thats okay with you, and I hpoe you like them and di not watch them by now!"
Y/n:" Itˋs all okay Max. So searche out the first one and Iˋll be on it!"

By the last sound of your sentence you ran up to the bed and jumped on it. Max just laughed and came also up to the bed the lay down right next to you. At this time you cuddled up to him and rest your head and his chest. After the first movie fell aslepp, because it was an exhausting day for you. Max just looks at you and gives you a kiss on your forehead, then fall aslepp aswell. The next morning you woke up, but Max wasnˋt there anymore. So you decided to look at you phone. No message from Max. But many from your brother.

Y/n what is going on between you and Max?
Answer me!
Why do you advoid me and Charles, we should stay together as a team, and also we two as siblings!
Get to breakfast I want to talk to you.
Enough I am talking to Max about it!
Atleast he comes to breakfast!

You read all, but didnˋt think of texting him back. At this moment you hear a knock o the door. You went up to it and opened. I front of it Max stands with a service car with a lot of breakfast for you two. But not only this were a surprise. Also your brother appears behind him in the door frame and storms into the hotel room.

Y/n:" Good Morning Carlos. Come in! No problem! Thank you, i slept well! How did you?"
Max:" Morning Sweetie. I got you two little surprises. One I just found on the way to get the breakfast."

You two laughed and Max kisses you. Your brother runs up to you and Max. He split you two away from eachother. He were about to slap Max, but you interrupt him with a scream. He looks at you like he do not know what was going on.

Y/n:" Carlos calm down. What is going on with you. Donˋt you want me to be happy? I know it is not the best option for me, Max, our the teams and our jobs but we love eachother. I love Max. And I want to be happy with him." be continued...

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