Chapter 41

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The next day you and Max have to get ready for the next GP. So you two decided to go on a run. You run along the Monaco Track and then along the harbor. There you take a little break at a sweet ice cream cafe.

Max:" One last kilometer we've got to run...."
Y/n:" But home is right around the next corner."
Max:" Yeah I know... But I just want to show you something. Who knows when we'll get the next chance to run together."

You nodd and think that Max is probably right. Since it'll be the last to races now, Max and you will go to visit your families and friends. And there you will probably not have the time for going on a run. Especially at Monacos coast, since you won't be in Monaco for a few weeks. So after you two finished your ice cream and coffee you slowly start to continue your run. After a kilometer Max slows down so you do. Then Max disappears through the bushes. At first you were scared of following him, but after you took a deep breath you were able to find your way through it all.
On the other side Max stood on a little cliff infront of the ocean. You could see all of Monacos harbor, the coast itself, but mostly the blue, bright ocean.
It just looks like a dream that comes true.

Max:" Look... Isn't it beautiful?"
Y/n:" Yeah... It's the most beautiful place I've ever been. How did you find it? I mean it's pretty unusual to climb through bushes in normal..."

Max laughs. He knows you're right...

Max:" One day I saw that little cliff from the ice crean cafe we've sat in before. So I thought I have to go there. But then when I got here... Nothing was here. So I decided to just go through the bushes... Just don't ask."

You laugh and understand it. You two just relaxed a while on that place. It was just so hidden that nobody would have found you in ages. But then you remembered that there are a lot of things waiting at home to be unpacked. So you stood up, climb back through the bushes and run back home. be continued...

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