Chapter 64

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Y/n:" We are having a little baby..."

You and Max couldn't believe it. You have conceived a little creature that will be like both of you and is and will always be your little miracle.
Of course you hope that it will grow up in a peaceful and harmonious world. In a world without war, without massive climate problems and without inflation. A world where you just have to go down the street, ring your friends' doorbells and build little caves with them out in nature, out of branches. A world without crises and catastrophes, without pandemics and human-extinguishing diseases. A world where people take care of their fellow human beings and treat animals and all living creatures with respect. It should grow up without great fears and turn its biggest and most realistic dreams into reality. In addition, your child should not be denied any chance for anything. All doors should be open for him to have the most perfect life possible.

All this and much more should be made possible for every human being in this world. Of course there are nations, which have to fight with much bigger and more important problems, but that is also a principle, which has sprung from you.

But now back to the story...
You are overjoyed and can hardly believe it. But shortly after that you got your composure back and were able to move on.
You hung up the last few things from the washing machine and then lay down again to sleep a little, because the jet leg is getting to you.
In the meantime, max has gone shopping and was briefly at daniel's to talk about the season and what's to come.

When he gets home, he sees you lying on the couch, covers you up to the chin and lets you sleep a little longer. In the evening, you wake up to a delicious smell. Max has cooked your favorite meal to make you happy. Then you go back to bed to deal with the time again. be continued...

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