Chapter 5

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After a while you two had your dinner and talked about your life... Just to get to know each other better.

Max:"I think we should get back to the hotel. Both of us have to get up early tomorrow..."
Y/n:"Yeah, you're probably right. I'm just going to pay..."

Before you could stand up Max runs to the bar to pay for the dinner. He comes back with a big smile on his face, but you just stare at him like you were angry on him...

Y/n:" You don't have to pay that so let me give you back what you've paid!"

Max just looks at you and grinned.

Max:" No I wanted to pay that dinner. I invited you here, so I pay. Although you had planned other things for tonight. So I pay what I want to pay... Got it? "

He said sarcastically. You just look at him and nodded.

Y/n:" Alright mister Verstappen. You pay for what ever you wanna pay for. I got it... But now let's get back to the hotel. I'm tired since we've talked about getting up early tomorrow morning."

Max laughed and you to left the restaurant. Max drove you two back to the hotel. He brings you to your room.

Y/n:" So good night I guess. Thanks for the beautiful dinner and the evening. It meant a lot for me, to not ending completely alone. Also thanks for getting me back to my room."
Max:"No problem. It meant also a lot for me this evening. We should do this more often."

You looked one last time at Max and placed a kiss on his cheek. He blushed a little but but didn't said a thing. You opened your hotel room and entered it, without looking after Max. That was leaving the hotel floor to get going to his own room.

... To be continued...

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