Chapter 17

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It's the next morning. Max wakes you up with a cart full of breakfast stuff... Like cereals,egg, and all that kind of things. You see it and instantly get a smile all over your face. Max comes a bit closer to you and kisses you.

Max:" Good Morning Sweetie... I hope you slept well this night and brought up some hunger with waking up. Because I got up earlier to go jogging and on my way back I decided to do this nice little thing for you. So you could eat when you're ready to start. And also if you want to come with me to Monaco this afternoon you can come. But if not, then this is also fine with me. Cause we'll see at the next weekend in Hungary. "

You just woke up and Max overwhelmed you with this much words at a time. But you smile and laugh at the same time, because you did not get all of what he had said.

Y/n:" First of all... Good morning Maxi. Second of all it is so sweet of you bringing the breakfast up here again. But the important of all the things you said... And I hope I got all of your words you said this fast. Just after I woke up... Yes, I would love to go with you to Monaco. My brother will directly fly to Hungary, because that is what Ferrari wants them to do. But RedBull said to me the other day, that you should rest for a few days... So I will come with you, also to check on you while relaxing a bit."

First Max laughs, cause of his nickname you gave him but also why you are trying to turn back to sleep and to slight back under your bed sheets.

Max:" That will be fine with me. But Babe... "
Y/n:" Mmmmh... What is? "
Max:" When we want to get the flight back to Monaco you should get up... So we can have breakfast and you could get ready. Because our flight takes off in 2 hours... So..."

He didn't had to finish the sentence... You jumped out of bed and run to the bathroom to get yourself look like nothing happened last night. Max just sits down at the bed and stares at you while you're running around to get ready and pack up your stuff. Also his mom called by the time and he spoke to her while laughing all the time about you. His mom just didn't ask. But she thought it seems funny, just by looking at Max his face expressions. You had all packed up ready and got yourself fresh. Then you two had breakfast and find your way to the airport, where Daniel was waiting on you. Just because he will also returning for a few days to home. be continued...

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