Learning, Late Calls & Exhaustion - Chapter 6

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Zayn's P.O.V. 

Perrie's heart monitor picked up its pace and I ran out of the room, calling for the doctor. Nurses ran by me, rushing into her room and treating her. Trying to get through the door, nurses started ushering me to get back.

"We're sorry, sir, but you can't go in there." With that, they shut the door. Running my hands through my already disheveled hair. All I felt was the burden of stress, anger and worry burning in my chest, like a heavy weight had been placed upon my shoulders. How could this happen? It was all my fault.

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"You're welcome," Caraline said, taking the bottle out of his mouth, sitting it down and handing him to me. I took him from her grasp, sitting on the couch and cradling him in my arms. I picked the bottle back up and looked at Caraline. "Never lay the baby flat down, because he can get very gassy, and it can cause ear infections. You have no bibs, but putting a bib on him will help prevent his or your clothes from getting dirty, if he was to spit up. It's very important to burp him when you've finished feeding him to prevent him from getting gas. I'll show you in a second," she said. "After you've finished feeding and burping him, make sure to always clean out the bottle with the bottle cleaning brush... In hot, soapy water, and don't forget to clean the nipple too. After you clean the bottle, make sure to sterilize it for future use."

"Thanks," I said, nervous.

You're welcome, and there's no reason to be nervous, it's very easy. You just have to get the hang of it and make sure you don't accidently choke him...," she said. "Now, let me show you how to burp him." I nodded and she said, "Stand up, get a cloth." She gave me a cloth, and said, "Put it over your shoulder, then put the baby over the towel," she took the baby, placing him gently on my shoulder. I put my arms around the baby, and she let go. "Gently pat his back until he burps. Make sure you always do this. Oh! One thing I should mention; He might throw up while you're burping him, so be careful."

"Thank you." I told her again.

"Yes, you're welcome. But I should go now, if you have any problems, call me or your mom." She left after that.

After I burped him, I gave him a bath, got him all lotioned up, powdered him, put a fresh diaper on him, then dressed him in some very warm pajamas. He was fast asleep from the bath, so I laid him gently in his crib, putting a baby blanket over him. I walked out, leaving the door open and going into the kitchen.

I opened up the refrigerator and scanned the inside with my eyes. I decided to have a simple bacon sandwich and went with it. After I cleaned my dishes, I headed to bed.

I went to sleep, waking up three hours later. Jasper was crying, so I got up and went to his room. I lifted him up from his crib, cradling him. I just fed you? I thought. I rocked him back to sleep, placing him back inside of his crib. I went back to bed, but that time, I was woken up ten minutes later. Jasper was crying again, so I went back in there and held him in my arms, but he wouldn't go back to sleep, nor would he stop crying.

I had no idea what was wrong with him. I began to get scared, and worried. I thought that something was wrong with him.

I grabbed my phone from my dresser, and dialed mom's number. "Hello?" she answered tiredly, as she was more than likely sleeping.

"Jasper won't stop crying. I don't know what's wrong," I said worriedly.

"Were you asleep?" She asked.


"DId he wake up crying?"

"Yes." I said.

"When was the last time he ate?" She asked.

"Around 9 o'clock, when I got back home." I told her.

"Zayn, babies are suppose to eat every three hours. So that's all, he's okay." She told me.

"Really? Thank you." I said.

"You're welcome. You have to get up every three hours to feed him, even if he's sleeping. You have to make sure to do that, okay?"

"Yes. Sorry I woke you up so early. But, wait! What if he doesn't go back to sleep?" I asked.

"It's okay, Zayn." She said. "Sing him a song, babies like it when you sing to them. Need anything else?"

"No, thank you. I'll call if I do."

"Goodnight, Zayn."

"Goodnight, mom." We hung up and I made a bottle for Jasper. I heated it up, pouring a drop onto my skin, seeing if it's too hot. But, to my surprise, it was perfect. I picked Jasper up again, sitting on the couch, and lying him in my lap. I fixed his little body so that he wasn't flat down. His head rested on my left arm, which I had resting on the arm rest of the couch, and my right hand held the bottle. I put the bottle to his mouth, and he began to drink the milk.

As I fed him, I made sure to tilt the bottle a little as he went, so that he could get the milk, but at the same time, I didn't tilt it too much to where he'd choke. I was very careful for my first time feeding a baby. I put a cloth over my shoulder, and the baby, then I burped him. I sat there humming a random tune for the baby, but as I came to find out that is wasn't working, I sang him a made up lullaby. He fell asleep, and I brought him back to his room, placing him gently into his crib. "Goodnight, Jasper."

I got no sleep at all that morning. I was back and forth with him. Until the last time when he fell asleep, which was at 7:32a.m., so I woke up at 8 o'clock from my alarm. Again, I had to work. I was so tired.

I went to the kitchen, grabbing an apple from the refrigerator, and sitting on the couch. I ate the apple, and enjoyed the time I had left before Jasper woke up. Not like I hated him, I definitely didn't. I finished my apple, standing and picking up my house phone. I dialed mom's number, knowing she was awake, and waited for an answer. "Hello."

"Hey, can you watch Jasper today?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course I will." She said excitedly.

"Thank you. I have to go to work at 8:30, to be there at 9." I said.

"Okay, I'm coming." She said.

"Alright. Love you, mom." I said.

"Love you too. Bye." She hung up. I went upstairs, and got ready for work. Saying I was exhausted would be an understatement. Because, believe me, I was more than exhausted. I walked to Jasper's room, picking him up and carrying him out. He was already awake, and I had fed him only 30 minutes before, so I just sat him gently inside of his swing that mom gave me. I turned it on low, played one of the baby songs, then went back to his room. I moved his crib from his room, and to my room. That way, I wouldn't have to make very long trips anymore. I walked back to the living room, and for some reason, Jasper laughed at me. I looked at him and he had the biggest smile I'd ever seen, since I've had him.

I walked up to him, picking him up, and saying in a baby voice, "Hey. How are you?" He laughed some more, and I just found it the most adorable thing ever. Mom arrived shortly after, saying goodbye, and I left for work.


Hey everyone. Sorry this chapter is so short, but..... I just thought it would be perfect to end it there. Comment, vote and share! Thanks, love you all x :) I would like to dedicate this chapter to my friend, @allie90121. Go read her books, they're really good.

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