Birthdays, Beaches & Walks - Chapter 67

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Baby Jasper up there ¶ )

Zayn's P.O.V.
( October 14th )

Jasper's birthday. His first birthday. That's what today was. It was an important day. I mean, first birthdays are always important, right? I was documenting everything. I started to do that on the first of August. Why not keep going?

He was currently sitting on the floor, playing with some blocks, giggles escaping his mouth as he bounced ever-so often. I held the camera, the red dot indicating that it was filming, and I began to speak. "So today is Jasper's first ever birthday. Yes, he's officially a year old. Look at him." I turned the camera on him as he hit a block down on the floor.

"Here comes my beautiful wife." I filmed Perrie as she came walking down the stairs, a smile on her face, her hair pulled tightly in a high ponytail.

"Filming again, I see." She giggled. She was wearing a white sundress with flip flops on.

"You guessed it," I said. "How are you feeling about this first birthday?" My smile never fell from my face as I realized just how amazing my life was.

"I'm ecstatic. I can't believe how fast time flew." She shook her head, her smile so wide her eyes were narrowed.

"I know. Here, you take over." I handed her the camera and went into the kitchen. I needed another cup of coffee because I only had one that morning and I was still quite tired. Obviously the coffee was already made and on warm, so I just poured myself another cup. Steam sprung up from the hot substance.

I sipped it, feeling the hotness sting my throat as it went down. Leaving the kitchen, I leaned against the door frame and watched as Perrie tickled a fits of giggles Jasper. I walked over to her. She picked Jasper up and bounced him on her hip.

"Why don't we go to the beach? It's a perfect day today. There's no point in staying here all day," I said, shrugging. She smiled widely. 

"That's a great idea. I'll go get the baby ready - you go call Harry and Caraline and ask them to come." I nodded and grabbed my phone from my pocket, hitting Harry's cell number. He answered after the third ring.

"Hey! What's up?" he answered, enthusiastic. "Happy birthday to the little one!"

"Thanks! Perrie and I are taking Jasper to the beach. Want to tag along with Caraline?" I grabbed some baby food and stuffed it into a baby bag.

"Sure, why not? I'll ask Caraline. We'll meet there in a little bit." After we hung up, I slung the baby bag over my shoulder and went upstairs. Perrie was dressing Jasper and talking while she did, in a low mother tone.

"Your dad is so sweet, isn't he?" As cliche as it sounds, it did mean a lot.

"Hey," I said from the doorway. "I'm ready when you are." I smiled, resting against the door frame.

"We're ready, too. Let's go." She grabbed Jasper's blanket, him on her hip, and walked out of the room.

At the car, I took Jasper from her and buckled him into his car-seat, closing the back door and getting into the drivers seat. "You ready?"

"Yep." She smiled. I nodded and turned the key in the ignition, listening to the engine rev to life, the sound very generous.

Backing out of the driveway, I turned on the main road and kept my eyes there. It was turning to be a great day, and I couldn't be more happy. Things were finally, for the third time, falling back into place. Hopefully, this time, it stays the same.

I parked in the parking lot of the beach, turning off the engine and turning to Perrie with a smile. "Let's go." She smiled warmly back and got out of the car. I got Jasper out of the car. He was giggling and making weird, cute noises. He was messing with my necklace, which held the house key on the chain, and smiling at me.

"What did Harry say?" she asked, putting some sunglasses on.

"He said they'll meet us here." Perrie started to spread a beach blanket over the sand, putting the bag down. I sat Jasper on the blanket and sat beside him. "In a few years," I began, "I picture this same moment but Jasper will be older. Like 10 or something." I could see from my blindsides that she was smiling at me.

"I do too." She rested her head on my shoulder and sighed in content.

"Hey guys!" Harry called. I turned my head in his direction and he and Caraline was coming down the slope, a blanket and basket in their hands. They spread the blanket out next to ours. "We brought lunch," Harry said.

"Yum!" Perrie said. Caraline and Perrie started talking.

"Hey, I want to talk to you about something," he said in a whisper so the girls wouldn't hear.

"Sure." We got up. "We're gonna go for a walk, we'll be back."

"Okay," Caraline said.

We started to walk away and once we were a far enough, he began talking.


"We're back," I announced as we sat down in our same spots.

"Took you guys long enough," Perrie laughed. Jasper was playing with a little piano we'd gotten him. I mean, a really, really tiny piano. It had ten keys.

"Sorry," Harry declared. "Needed some exercise."

"It's fine," Caraline said, smiling up at him.

The rest of the day was spent with lots of chatter, lots of goofing around, and lots of games. By the time we were all ready to go home, it was 7:23 Pm. But the day was amazing. One I'd always remember, and definitely the best time I'd ever had on the beach.

Hopefully life goes on right.

Hey guys. Sorry this is sooo late. My internet browser kept crashing. Grrrr.

I hope you liked it though, and vote and comment. Can we reach 25K reads this year? I'm pretty sure you guys can do it. Just tell your friends about this book. :)

I love you guys, and Yu Rawwk!!!


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