Puffy Eyes, Dinner & Hesitation- Chapter 26

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Zayn's P.O.V.

After I calmed Jasper I walked up the stairs and laid him gently down under his juggle gym. I walked to my room, holding out my hand, thinking twice before I opened the door.

What if she's still mad at you, Zayn? I had to ask myself that question.

With a shake of the head, I put my hand on the handle and gave it a brave twist—but to my dismay, the door was locked. How dare she lock the door?!

"Perrie!" I called out to her from the outside of the door. "Open the door!"

I heard some shuffling, then her voice mumbled, "Go away, Zayn!" The way her sentence broke told me she was crying.

I faltered, dropping my hand from the knob. I sighed, turning and sliding against the door. Putting my head in my hands, I groaned. Why couldn't this be easier?

I stood up, putting my hand on the door, leaning close to it. Softly, I said, "Perrie...please open the door...let me in.."

To my biggest surprise, she opened the door.

Her hair was ruffled and disheveled, her eyeliner and mascara was smudged against her soft cheeks— which was slightly pink—her eyes were red.

Without a second thought, I complied her, holding her tightly to me. She wrapped her arms around me and cried heavily against my chest. Smoothly rubbing circles on her back, I comforted her. Soon enough, her cries turned into to hiccupped sobs, and her body was wracking.

"Shhh...." I whispered to her. "Everything's okay," I said.

Eventually, her sobs turned into sniffles and she was slowly calming down.

"You okay?" I asked her.

She nodded her head against my chest. "Sorry, I'm getting tears all over your shirt." She let out a small giggle, and to me, that was the most beautiful sound in the world.

"I don't care about the shirt.." I looked down at her.

She looked up at me, staring into my eyes. Her ocean blue eyes sparkled. "I'm sorry, I should've told you," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"It's fine," I said.

After a few seconds in the silence, the two of us just staring into each others eyes, I leaned in to plant a soft kiss to her lips. The kiss wasn't long, it was just an "I love you" peck.

I smiled at her as she unwrapped her arms around me and walked out of the room. I trailed after her.

"How is Jasper? I heard his cries, but..." she fell silent.

"He's fine, he just needed a few things.. Where are you going?" I asked her as she kept walking, pulling her jacket over her arms.

"I have to pick up dinner." She smiled.

I frowned. "We have an entire pantry and refrigerator full of food...that can last us a long time. Why do you need to pick up dinner?" I was still a bit suspicious about the whole meeting she had with Louis—I couldn't just let her leave so easily, for all I knew she could've planned to meet with him again. I couldn't let that happen. I still didn't know why she met up with him in the first place. Does that make sense to you, Zayn—

"Zayn!" Perrie called my name, snapping me out of my daydream, and I shook my head. "Seriously, did you hear anything I just said?" she snapped, annoyed.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologized.

She shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I see you're still not a good listener." She giggled. I wasn't quite sure if that giggle was sarcastic or not, but with that being said, I made her believe I didn't think anything otherwise.

Chuckling, I spoke: "I'm a good listener, I was just thinking. Sorry, repeat what you said..."

"I said, okay, I guess I don't need to go to the store then." I watched as she shrugged off her coat and threw it to the couch, strutting up the stairs and into the room. How strange, huh? However, I didn't question her weird behavior. At that point, I was kind of just done letting it bother me. Maybe she wasn't cheating on me, right? Maybe she was visiting him as a friend.

Though I did consider myself a fool for not questioning the matter at the time, but why is it that I should've known me loving her was all a big mistake? That's the simple thing; it wasn't a mistake. I was the only mistake.

After standing still, debating whether or not to question her, I strode into the kitchen and opened the pantry—dinner doesn't cook itself.

It was, unfortunately, now eight o'clock at night, and here I was making dinner after finally deciding on what I wanted. Yes, usually I would ask the o-so maiden Perrie what she would've wanted, but today I decided to make what I wanted for a change. Well, hey, with the way she's been acting, can't I be privileged to do a little rebelling? Just a little.  

I decided on a meal that took a good while to prepare—enchiladas with refried beans and rice on the side, topped off with a little bit of sourcream! Doesn't that sound delicious?

As of right now, I was using the spatula in my right hand to successfully scoop an enchilada out of the pan, and in my left hand I was using a dipper to dig out some beans. I neatly set up the plates and placed them down onto the table, putting some refried beans mixed with rice in a baby bowl and placing it on the table beside my food.

Lately I had been feeling like Perrie is making me do everything for Jasper, not like that was a problem for me, it would just be great if for once she would help me, like be the family I want us to be.

Everything was perfect and I made sure all the pilots to the stove was off, and I didn't forget anything. I poured two glasses of fresh champagne and then I went up the stairs. Pushing the door open, I walked into the room.

"Dinner's ready." I smiled, feeling quite proud of my creation. It had been such a long time since I had last made enchiladas, and I was kind of expecting them to come out awful, but I hadn't lost my touch. And I was really betting that she remembered my enchiladas.

She threw the blankets off her body, standing up and leaving the room. What angered me a little bit was the way she didn't say anything. Hmm, maybe later then.

Following her out, I stopped at Jasper's room, picking him up from his crib and carrying him down the stairs.

"You made enchiladas?" she said in her shrill voice, cold and emotionless.

"Yes. It's been such a long time... I just thought I would..." I fell silent as she rolled her eyes in annoyance. She really needed to take a chill pill.

I pulled her chair back and she sat down, placing her hands firmly on the table. I sat Jasper in his highchair and sat down in my chair, taking her hand in mine.

"What?" she snarled.

"Join me in prayer tonight.." We'd been arguing so much these past few weeks that she's been eating in a separate room from me.

"Okay," she whispered back, and I began my prayer.

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