Tears, The Police & Questions - Chapter 70

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Zayn's P.O.V.
( October 22nd, 8:32 Pm. )

Slowly, afraid, I began to look up. My eyes scoped up the blood. It smelt like death. Blood. I pulled out the gun I kept on me and began to slowly walk through the foyer, looking around. First, I rushed up the stairs to check on Jasper.

He was sitting up in his crib, his face wet with tears, red from how loud he'd been screaming. His loud cries dialed down to whimpers as he saw me. I rubbed his head to calm him before I checked all the locks in the room, which were from two windows in the room. Everything in the room was locked. With that in mind, I left the room, listening closely for anything out of the random.

I made my way to the kitchen. From outside the archway, I saw the sight of a hand. Lifeless, pale, stiff. Not moving at all. I stopped everything and ran into the kitchen.

Perrie lay on the floor, a pool of blood around her. Her skin was pale, and she was lifeless. Tears in my eyes, confused, I knelt down beside her and checked for a pulse. But I got nothing. There was no sign of life. From the looks of it, I could tell she had been stabbed.

I got up and grabbed the house phone, calling 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" the man on the other end answered.

"My wife's been murdered." I gave the address.

"We'll be there as soon as possible."

They hung up and I ran up to get Jasper. I picked him up, bouncing him slightly to calm him down. I covered him with a blanket so he wouldn't see anything and I went outside. It was pretty cold anyway. I uncovered his face and pulled my phone from my pocket.

How long had it been? How long had Jasper been screaming like that?

I called Harry, beginning to cry. "Hey!" He was enthusiastic, not even aware of anything that had been going on.

"Harry." The pain was evident in my voice.

"What's wrong?" His voice softened.

"It's Perrie. I think she might be dead..." It pained me to say it, and I wished it was not true. But I knew wholeheartedly that it was, indeed, true. I wished I could just wake up from a sick dream.

"What makes you say that?" He sounded panicked now, scared.

"There's blood...everywhere. She's on the floor, unresponsive." I wasn't holding anything together. I was fully breaking down, and the only reason I hadn't fallen to the ground was because of Jasper.

"I'm on my way." He hung up. The sounds of sirens coming down the street told me the police were here, and they came with one fire truck and two ambulances. The parked where they could before getting out of their cars.

"Hello, sir, we're going to go in and check on things. Meanwhile, you'll have to answer some questions." He nodded at someone in a suit before walking away.

"Hello, sir, I'm Detective Joel, can I ask you some questions?" He had a notepad in his hands to write down my answers.

"Of course." Jasper squirmed a little, uneasy, and I bounced a little.

"Where were you when this happened?"

I answered all of his questions, and in the end I'm pretty sure they're blaming me.

After all the good in life, we're faced with bad things.

HEYYYY! Soooo, do you like it? You probably hate me right now. I'm sorrrryyyy,

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Yu Rawk and I love you.

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