Waiting, Discoveries & Walking - Chapter 35

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Zayn's P.O.V.
1 month later. (July 3rd)

Within the last month, I noticed Perrie and I drifting only further and further apart. We've drifted so far apart, that now Perrie isn't even home most of the time. She's always busy. With what, I don't even know. She claimed she's always with her friends, and I tested that theory, and called her friends. Apparently, she wasn't lying to me because they told me the same thing.

She even took Jasper so I barely spent anytime with him; my own son. I was working often and in fact, I'm actually taking a vacation until September. It was July 3rd, almost the 4th of July so I took off a two month vacation. 

My plan was to take her out for the 4th. I was going to let Harry and Caraline babysit Jasper for us while we were out. I had gotten two tickets to see the firework show and the rodeo, and maybe after the show we would go win some things from the fair. I would say we would go out to dinner, but the show wouldn't end until late at night when everything closes. The only place I would be able to take her at a late hour would be Denny's, and who wants to eat at Denny's for dinner? She wouldn't. 

At the moment I was sitting on the couch, enjoying some T.V. I busied myself while I waited for Perrie to get back. Without Jasper here, I had nothing to do really, so I tried to focus on what life I had before Perrie and Jasper re-entered into my life. I was glad that at nights, I had time with Jasper. I don't know what I would do without him. 

To be honest, I didn't remember much from my old life; from before Perrie and Jasper came into my life. I only knew I must've been an extremely bored person.

Flicking off the T.V., I put the remote down and stood up, stretching my arms out. I walked up the stairs and opened the doors to the master bedroom, entering and sitting on the bed. My eyes wandered around the walls, looking through all the pictures hung up. Perrie and I, Perrie, Jasper and I, Jasper and I, Jasper and Perrie, some pictures of her and her family, my family and I, and then all of us together. Harry was there, and he and his girlfriend. All the memories of these few months played in my mind. Like the day Perrie and I married.

Standing from the bed, I picked up a picture from the dresser. It was a picture of Perrie and I. I stood with my right arm wrapped around Perrie's small waist, my left head resting at my side, and a wide smile was plastered on my face. Both of Perrie's arms were wrapped around my body, and she was cuddled into my side, smiling shyly. We were standing in front of a waterfall - one we had found beyond the forest not too far from here. It had become one of our favorite spots.

Putting the picture back where it belonged on the dresser, I turned around, my eyes landing on Perrie's laptop which sat neatly on her vanity mirror. I thought about it before I walked over to it. Should I look at it? Or should I not? I decided I would just take a peek inside, not for any particular reason - just because I had never really seen her screensaver, let alone checked to make sure she had no viruses. Good husbands do that, right? Make sure everything's running properly on his wife's device. Right?

I didn't think there would be a problem. I would just run a quick scan on it and maybe right her a little, sweet message.

But when I opened it up, I was met with a password login. Thinking about what Perrie's password could possibly be, I typed in readysteadyfamily, and to my utter surprise, it worked. Rolling my eyes, I then noticed what was up. It wasn't her screensaver.

Instead, it was a Facebook page, and it wasn't Perrie's. It was Louis Tomlinson's. Immediately, my stomach churned, and my whole exterior changed. I was trying not to breathe heavily, and my hands started to sweat.

I've never had a Facebook, let alone seen a Facebook page. So I studied the look, and slowly I started to move the mouse around. I found Perrie's home page, and began to read it.  

"My name's Perrie Edwards, and I'm a single mother of a beautiful baby boy named Jasper. I'm 20 and looking for some friends.

I'm not so tall, but not too short either. I have great taste in fashion, guys, food, and everything else." 

Then below her "about me" was some random site given questions.

Name: Perrie.
Username: SecretBee47.
Romantic Interests: At/LouisTommo. ;)
Age: 20.
Gender: Female.


I couldn't believe what I was reading. Were my eyes deceiving me? Was this real?

I started at the screen in both shake and anger. Why would she be doing this, and what is just an internet thing?

I didn't know the answer to either question, so instead of guess, I decided to read their conversations.

After I read them, I didn't gain any justice. It appeared to be an online relationship, but I wasn't sure. There was a bunch of flirting between both parties.

After re-clicking on Louis' page, I slammed the laptop shut and stood up in anger. I left "our" room and slammed the front door, before walking down to the driveway and onto the sidewalk. I needed to take a walk, sort out my thoughts, get some fresh air, and try not to say anything about it to her. Instead, I planned on winning her back. She was mine, and I wasn't going to let Louis have her. I wasn't going to give her right up to him. He didn't deserve her. I did. So I would fight for her.

I stopped in front of Harry's house, and stood. My mind was taken off of things for about 15 seconds as I realized Harry had gotten a paint-job done on his house and made some upgrades. Why wasn't I told about this?

Pushing the thought aside, I walked up the driveway, all the way to his front door. I knocked a few times and waited patiently outside. Out of nerves, I was tapping my foot over and over again.

When the door finally opened, I gave a small smile at Caraline. "Hi. Is Harry here?" I asked quickly.

"Yeah, he's here. Give me a second." She smiled before closing the door, and I heard her shout, "Harry, Zayn's here!" from the other side. She re-opened the door. "Well, I'm actually just heading out, so go right on in." She smiled before stepping out and walking down the driveway.

I went inside and waited in the living room for Harry. When he came down the stairs, he gave me a nod. "Hey," he said.

"Hey," I said.

"You okay? You normally don't just show up like this. Actually, I think this is the first time." He furrowed his eyes, and a frown replaced his smile.

"I need some advice."


Anywayyyyy. There's chapter 35. Don't forget to share your thoughts in the comment section *snaps fingers three times and clicks tongue* below! I love your comments and they're all welcome!!!! :)

Ya'll have yourselves a lovely night/day, and I'll see you guys next week! Or sooner... XD  OHHHH! Almost forgot! You see that time leap though!!! Guys, this is where everything gets real. xD


Don't forget my beautiful team... Yu Guys Rawwk!!!


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