Harry, Louis, Jasper & Zayn - Chapter 77

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*Narrator's Point Of View*
( November 4th, 2:25 p.m. )

With a full, steamy hot cup of coffee in his hands, Harry walked through the foyer of his house out to the front yard. He closed the door behind him and made his way to the fence where the gate was. As he opened it, he made sure he was careful as to not drop his coffee or spill it. The pathway lined by a field of flowers in which Caraline had planted herself would take Harry right to the hangout spot. It was covered up, but fence in which had little holes that the sun shone through as well as you could see through them, and a glass, black rimmed table sat in the middle, covered up by four chairs on either side. Very faint yellow cushions upon light wicker wood. The son was shining and Harry was ready for a, hopefully, good day.

He sat in one of the comfy chairs, setting his coffee mug down onto the tabletop, admiring the beautiful scenery around him. He heard the sound of the gate clicking into place and his eyes fell upon the walking figure of Louis, who he had called down to chat with. They hadn't talked for quite some time. The last actual conversation they had was before the disappearance of Brenda. Harry had hoped to get some kind of answers.

"Have a seat," Harry said, giving a casual smile. Louis sat across from Harry, leaning back and folding his sleeve-covered arms over his chest.

"What is this about, Harold?" Louis furrowed his brows in confusion, genuinely unaware of anything.

"I just thought I'd have a nice conversation with an old pal." Harry laughed and shook his head.

"Oh... Nice..." Harry could sense the uncomfortable aurora radiating from Louis. He sat awkwardly fiddling with the hem of his sweater.

"Well, I won't carry this out any longer." Harry's playful voice converted to a different, vicious tune. "So, Louis, tell me. What was your motives?" Louis looked baffled.

"What are you talking about?" Even Harry could tell he was hiding something by the way he spoke awkwardly.

"You know what I'm talking about. I'm pretty sure Brenda didn't just leave, because we were best friends. I don't think anything you could've done to her would've made her say she didn't want to talk to me. What sense does that even make?" Harry clasped his hands together and pursed his lips, feeling a pang of anger over the situation. 

"Brenda left me, Harry. You have to learn to accept letting go sometimes, you know? Brenda was fed up with me being away so much and she thought that I was cheating, and simply, she thought you knew about it. She was hurt and angered that you didn't 'tell her.' However, you have no right sitting here telling me I'm the one who hurt anyone. I assure you, I didn't do any such thing." Louis spoke with confidence, his voice not shaky in the least bit.

"Why is it that after a relationship you've been in, the person disappears?" Harry questioned suspiciously. Louis started to look more and more uncomfortable as the time passed.

Louis cleared his throat. "What are you getting at, Harry?" Harry stared at Louis in disbelief, baffled by the response. Suddenly, Louis' face fixed into one of realization. "Wait. You think I did this?" Certainly, Louis didn't actually just realize anything. Louis was a good actor, and he had to play the part correctly.

"Did what? Explain your answer." Harry rolled his eyes, annoyingly. Louis looked as though he could strangle Harry right at the moment in time, had he wanted to, but Harry also had come prepared. With a handgun with him, he wasn't fazed by Louis.

"You're saying that I killed Perrie...and Brenda?" Louis' brows raised and he leaned back in the chair.

"Ding, ding, ding, you guessed it. But, Louis, I don't think you killed them - I know you did." Harry reached for the gun and showed it up to Louis, who began to look uneasy. Harry slowly, and gently, placed the gun atop of the table right in front of him. Louis eyed it cautiously.

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