Thinking, Admiration & Social Media - Chapter 27

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Zayn's P

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Zayn's P.O.V.

Later that night, after I had put Jasper to bed, I sat on the couch, brushing through channels on the T.V. I settled on a series called Fatal Vows and pulled a blanket over me before laying down.

I decided against sleeping in the room that night because things between Perrie and I had been tense, and I didn't want to accidently say the wrong thing to make matters worse, so I just lay on the couch. There's no possible way she could've gotten mad at me if I wasn't even in the room. No way.

I might have been overthinking things too much but could you blame me? She was out with Louis after he had started a fight with me. I don't even know what I did. This crazy, idiotic, psychotic man just walks up to me and harasses me as though he has a right.

Though I think what made even less sense, was why she didn't want to tell me. I had to pry it out of her by starting an unwanted argument. I, for one, didn't want my son around that crazy guy at all. Secondly, I wanted nothing more than honesty in this marriage. Was that so hard to ask for?

Seriously, it would've made things so much better had she just told me straight off the back, instead of trying to shut me up so she didn't have to tell me. She could've also left a note, though I would've went straight to Harry and asked him where Louis lived.

Eventually, I found myself drifting away into a deep sleep, one that I hoped would be good.

When I woke up that morning, I noticed the T.V. was off, and I stretched out my tight muscles before standing from the sofa. Looking around, I entered the quiet kitchen. Had she left again?

I turned around, and there she stood; in a long white dress, her hair pulled up into a high pony tail, Jasper was in her arms, and she stood out on the porch. Her back was turned to me, making myself invisible to her knowledge. Her slight sway told me she was enjoying the weather; it was a nice day, I assumed, due to the way the trees danced slightly in a light breeze, the way the sun beamed down on her beautiful golden hair.

Seth rubbed his face against my ankle and I looked away from Perrie and lifted the cat up. "Hey there, Seth. How's it going?" He began to purr loudly and I smiled at him. Jasper and Seth, I imagined, would be the best of friends in the future. They'll grow up together. Good thing I didn't get a dog. Though a dog is man's best friend. Cat's can be too.

I set Seth down and he walked to his empty food bowl, meowing for a refill.

After filling up his bowl, I slid the sliding door open and stepped outside behind Perrie. She turned around and smiled widely at me. Must of been having a good day, which was good. The moody Perrie was gone, I hoped.

"Good morning, love," I said, giving her a soft peck on the cheek. She nodded her head and turned her gaze back towards the planted flowers.

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