Cry For Help - Chapter 78

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Zayn's P.O.V.

At 7:01 PM, I pulled into Harry's driveway, off to the left, after dropping Jasper off at mom's place. The porch light shone brightly, lighting up the entire front entrance. The cold wind was blowing a little harsher tonight, and it was down to a good 50 degrees.

Harry's neighborhood was quiet around this time, whereas mine wasn't. There would have always been some kind of noise, whether it be a cricket, a frog croaking, some people chatting and laughing, or dogs barking. However, there wasn't a sound heard here. Well, obviously, other than the sound of my breathing in the closed off car, and the sound of the occasional car passing behind me.

I pulled the key from the ignition, shutting the car off. Getting out of the car, I slowly approach the front door, which, halfway there, it opened before I was able to ring the doorbell.

"Good evening," Harry said, opening the door wider so I could walk in, which I did.

"Hey." He closed the door, the lock snapping into place soundly, and he walked through the foyer. 

"Well, come in," he said, shrugging at me. I sighed and walked through the foyer, sitting on the fluffy green couch, and leaned back, clasping my hands together. I looked at him expectantly. "Hold on for a minute - the tea is just about ready," and just then, the teapot began to yell in agony for help, and Harry smiled a little, nodding his head. "There it is." With a small laugh, he walked into the kitchen.

"You're making me nervous..." I shifted uncomfortably and laid my head back on the couch, closing my eyes.

"Anyway," he walked back into the living room, two cups of tea in his hands, and he placed one cup on the coffee table in front of me. He sat a few spaces away from me on the couch, turning to me, his friendly, playful expression changing into a dead-serious look. "So," he began. "I had a little chat with Louis today."

I stared vacantly at him, thoughts running through my mind at 100 miles per hour...or second. "And...what happened?" He sipped his tea, licking his lips afterwards.

"Well, I'll tell you what I do know," he said, rubbing his hands together. "He's definitely guilty."

"What did he say? You're not really telling me." I folded my arms over my chest, completely forgetting about the tea he made.

"I'm getting there!" He put his hands up. "We spoke about the random, mysterious disappearance of his girlfriend, Brenda, which I told you about already." I nodded. "Well, anyway. He told me that she just up and left, and his excuse was pitiful. He said that she left him because she was 'fed up' with how much he was away, and she thought that he was cheating on her. But this is what makes it even more stupid." Harry was getting angry, raising his voice a little bit in the quiet house. "He said that she thought I knew about him cheating on her, and that's why she stopped talking to me. It's stupid because Brenda and I had been friends for years upon years, since diaper days, and she would've never thought such a thing without questioning me about it first. Therefor, his excuse is not accounted for."

Sighing, I said, "Okay. Harry, calm down. We don't want to get loud."

"You're right," he said, quieting down and nodding. "But anyway, Zayn, I then told him I knew for a fact that he killed both Perrie and Brenda, and you know what he said?" I shook my head. "He said, word for word, "You have no proof, Harold." Fully knowing that I cornered him, and he knows well that I figured the whole thing out. With no emotion whatsoever, he stood and left. But, Zayn, I promise you, he knows you and I are both well aware of his dirty deeds, and Zayn, this isn't going to end well. You're not safe, and neither is Jasper or your mom - Caraline and I aren't even safe." Harry was talking quickly, getting riled up.

"Hmm," I hummed, unsure of how to reply to that. "Well then, I guess-" just then, all the lights went out, and the room was closed in darkness.

"He's here," Harry said, and I saw the shadowed figure of him jump from the couch. He pulled a shotgun from under the couch cushions. "Shhh. Follow me." He crouched, me following, and he slowly moved across the living room to the stairs. We began to make our way up, and he stopped dead in his own tracks, and I had to make sure I didn't crash into him.

"Harry, what are you-" I stopped, my eyes falling upon a figure at the top of the stairs. He stood, ski mask over his face, a handgun in his hand.

"I warned you, Harold," he spoke, and I could tell it was the same idiot that I met at that store, talking about carrots.

"Louis, let's just talk about this like civilized people," Harry negotiated. He stood up straight in the darkness.

"Talk about what? There's nothing to talk about," he said. "You're going to die just as Brenda and Perrie did, because you know too much!" He pulled up the handgun quickly, before we could even think, and he pulled the trigger, missing both of us. Harry began to quickly back down from the stairs, and I was already at the bottom.

The sound of Louis' footprints tells us he ran somewhere up the stairs, and I turned to Harry, the both of us behind the wall downstairs. "What do we do?" I asked.

"First, call the cops if we can. My phone is on the-" I cut him off.

"I have mine." I held it up before dialing 911.

As the phone rang out, Louis came running down the stairs, looking for us. Harry put his gun up and turned to me. "Get them here." With that, he ran from on the side of the wall, and I heard the sound of the handgun ringing, my heart pounding. I couldn't lose somebody else. I wouldn't allow it.

"Yes, hello! We need emergency, now! Someone is in the house with a gun, and they're trying to kill us." I quickly gave an address and hung up the phone.

I heard struggling on the other side of the wall, and crashing noises of glass hitting the floor. With a big intake of breath, I turned the corner of the wall, watching the scene quickly unfold before my eyes.

I rushed in, the shotgun and handgun nowhere to be seen. Pulling Louis off of Harry, I threw him into the TV, but he pushed off of it, turning around quickly. In his eyes was evil, nothing else. He stared with hatred, I could see by the adjusting my eyes took to the darkness.

He lunged at me, and I grabbed his arms. We struggled, fighting like that for awhile, and then he threw me down over his back, my back coming into contact with the solid floor, and ceasing in pain. He was breathing heavily with anger, and I opened my eyes, looking up. He picked something up from the floor, and I, ignoring the pain the best I could, stood to my feet. Pain was shooting up my back and down my arms and legs.

Louis aimed the handgun at me, and it was only then I'd realized that the ski mask was no longer on his face. "I hate you. You ruined everything. We had something special, and you came in and broke it!" he yelled at me.

Where are those cops? I wondered.

"Louis, you're handling the situation completely wrong," I breathed in pain. "You can't kill everybody because you don't get your way."

"I'm done listening to people tell me I'm doing something wrong!" He cocked the gun, and before he could pull the trigger, Harry pushed him roughly against the wall he stood beside. With a yelp of pain, he looked over to see Harry standing there. Everything next happened so quickly.

The gun went off.

Vision was blurred.

Hearing was unable to comprehend sounds.

I saw Harry falling down in slow motion, blood everywhere.

How are you? Other than probably broken......

Hope you like this, despite the pain behind it all.

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Love You, and Yu Rawwk.

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