Flying, Gas Stations & Chips - Chapter 63

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Zayn's P.O.V.
( July 24th, 4:38 PM )

Finally, after a long 10 hours, the plane was landing. Standing from my seat, Shawn at window seat, I grabbed my luggage from the locker. I left a message for Mr. Carlisle, telling him I couldn't do the job because I needed to get back, even explaining why, and I went on my way. I don't know if he called back yet, and wouldn't know for a couple more minutes.

I walked down the annoying flight of stairs, my energy drained from the never-ending worry I felt on the plane, which caused me not to sleep. I walked through L.A.X. all the way to the front entrance, Shawn meeting me there two minutes later.

"Why didn't they search you?" he asked, running his hand through his hair.

"I don't know, I just kept walking." I shrugged, opening the door so we could leave. My car was still sat in the same parking space I left it at, and I opened my door, getting in, leaning over to unlock the passenger side for Shawn.

"Hmm." He closed his door and put on his seatbelt.

"I have to make a phone call." I got out of the car and closed the door, calling Perrie.

"Zayn, where have you been? You haven't answered any of my calls!" She was frantic, worried.

"Calm down," I said. "I was on a flight back."

"You what?!" She half yelled. "Why would you come back and ruin that opportunity?"

I sighed and chuckled. "You're more important to me than a job offer." Nonchalant, I told the truth.

"Okay... It's kind of too late to try to change your mind. When will you be here? I'm staying at Caraline's and Harry's house." I heard a door close.

"We just left L.A.X., so probably in an hour and thirty, to two hours." I backed out of the parking space after setting my phone done and turning my blue tooth on.

"Alright. Well, I can't wait to see you, and Jasper misses you too!" She exclaimed.

"I miss both of you. I'm going to go now. Love you."

"Love you too. Bye." With that, we hung up and I continued down the road.

A few miles out, I stopped at a gas station for some gas. "I'm going to get gas. You go in and grab some chips. Any kind." I gave Shawn a 20 dollar bill and he headed out.

After filling the car I got in and shut the door, rolling the thick window down to let some fresh air in. I looked in the rear-view mirror to check if Shawn was coming out. No sign of him, so I rested my head against the seat, closing my eyes for a slight second. I must've been extremely tired because I remember dozing off for about two minutes. I was awoken from the sound of the car door opening. Shawn was finally back with three bags of chips. Plain potato chips, spicy Cheetos and cool ranch Doritos.

"What took you so long?" I asked, adjusting myself in my seat, buckling in and turning the key into the ignition.

He pulled his seatbelt on before speaking. "There was a big line, for the most part, and then the cashier had a hard time believing I was over 17-years-old. Can you believe that guy?" He scoffed and held up the chips. "Which you want?"

"I'll take the potato chips." He handed me the bag and I sat them aside before pulling out of the parking lot. He opened the spicy Cheetos and began to eat them. I shook my head at how comfortable he was, as though we'd been friends forever. Didn't make sense, but I didn't mind.

So, I realized two things. One- this family would never have a normal life, and two- I shouldn't have left. Trust me, if I had the chance to go back and fix what I messed up, I would. But this is life, and it doesn't come with a rewind button.

HEY GUYS! Soooo, in case anyone was wondering, you probably weren't, buttttttttt, Caraline's name is said like "Cara - Lean" basically put both name and word together and that's how her name is said. A lot of people probably mistake the name for Caroline, but that's not it. Though Caraline is not a name, I love the way I made it up. It sounds cool.

Love you guys! Vote and comment beauties! :)))) XoxoxoxoxoxXXXXXoooooXXXX

Yu Guys Rawwk, and OMG, new Christina Grimmie EP releases on the 21st! #Stoked

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