Jayn Day, Confusion & Nerves. Chapter 21

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"So adorable," I whispered to myself as I lifted Jasper from his crib. He was awake, laying there making cute little baby noises. "Are you hungry, little fella?" I asked playfully as I stepped out of the room.

Walking into the big kitchen, I placed Jasper in his highchair and put his bib around his neck to help with the mess. I opened the fridge and took a jar of baby food; closing the door, I pulled the lid from the jar, transferring the baby food from the jar into a baby bowl.

I sat the bowl on the highchair tray, feeding my adorable Jasper.

"You ready for a Jayn day?" I said as I fed him, smiling and laughing at him spit it out as I re-put it in his mouth. "So cute." I shook my head.

"I didn't expect to see you up so early," Perrie said, standing in the doorway that led to the staircase. I smiled up at her.

"A Jayn day."

"Oh, I see. Well, where are you taking him?" She entered the kitchen and pulled a pan from the cabinet.

"I don't know yet, we can't do much. I mean, he is a baby. I'll probably go out to the park and walk him around, chat with him, maybe teach him some words." I shrugged - I love being a father.

Something flashed over her blue eyes, but washed away. "Oh, okay. Well, I'll be home if you need me," she said.

Nodding my head, I stood up and rinsed out the bowl. I walked back over to Jasper and picked him up, taking the bib from around his neck and sitting it down.

I dressed him and put his little jacket over him, before entering into the living room once more. Giving Perrie a kiss, I said, "Alright, babe, I'm heading out now. I'll be back in about an hour."

"Okay. Bye," she said flatly.

I raised an eyebrow. "Want to come with us?" I asked.

"Do I look like I want to go with you?" She flipped the page of her magazine.

Okay, what did I do? "Okay then. Well, my cell is on - call if you need me. Love you, see you later."

"See you," she said as I slipped out of the house.

Well, that was a weird moment in there. What was with her?

My mind fixed on Perrie and why she seemed so mad at me. I didn't remember saying or doing anything wrong, I mean, I just said I was going to have a Jayn day - is that so wrong? Apparently it was. I knew something was bothering her, just by the way she spoke when she had woken up and came down, seeing me with Jasper.

Thoughts ran wild in my mind as I started the engine of the car, looking at Jasper through the rearview mirror. He played with his shoes, making cute baby giggles.

A smile grew on my face as I drove onto the street.

"You see the birds," I whispered as I walked around the park, Jasper in my hands. 

It wasn't that cold today, quite nice. The wind blew cautiously, leaving a tiny breeze, the sky was blue with only a few clouds here and there, the park smelt of freshly cut grass. A playground was set up over a little chained fence a few meters ahead of where I walked; a pond a few feet away from the playground. On the other side of the park there was a soccer field, and after that, beyond a high fence, was a football and baseball field. A sitting area displayed a nice water fountain, the sculpture an angel with beautiful wings - the wings were white and the angel also wore white wraps. The grass below my shoes was freshly cut, nice and fluffy, looked really soft and smelt fantastic.

Breathing in a deep breath, I sat on one of the benches. I bounced Jasper on one of my legs as I enjoyed the weather.

"Zayn?" called a familiar voice. 

At the tune of this person's voice, my head looked in the direction the voice had come from. "Dean!" I said as I saw the sight of my cousin. 

"It is you," he said as he began to walk over. He sat beside me on the bench, and he eyes Jasper with wide eyes. "You have a baby now?"

I laughed slightly. "Dean, this is Jasper."

He sat, amazed. "Zayn, you never told me you had a son!"

"Well, I would've told you a lot sooner had I known I had a son," I said, looking at Jasper as he played with the zipper of my jacket.

"Wait, you didn't know? I'm confused - start from the beginning.

I started to tell my cousin the story, paying close attention to Jasper as I did. It had been, at least, two years since I'd last seen him. It was very surprising that he was there, considering the thought that I had moved away from Bradford and was now living in America, whereas he stayed in Bradford.

"Yeah, so when did you come down to America?" I asked after I finished my story, in which he was so amazed with.

"Oh. I came down yesterday, going to visit Mom."

"You didn't call me!" I feigned hurt.

"Well, that's because I was going to call you tonight, so calm your horses, Zayn," he said, laughing and shaking his head. "But I just so happened to see you the day I decide on the park."

"How'd you know it was me?"

"Really, Zayn, are you serious?" he said. "Who else looks almost just like me?"

"Okay, okay, you make a good point," I said. "Want to hold him?"

"Sure!" he said excitedly. I handed Jasper to Dean and Dean smiled at him. I then began to teach him  the right way of holding a baby.

"Babe, I'm home," I whisper/shouted as Jasper was fast asleep in his carseat.

"It's about time, I was wondering how long you were going to be." She came from the study room with the cat in her hands.

"Not that long, just forty-seven minutes," I whispered, carrying Jasper up to the room. I placed him gently in his crib and left the door pulled ajar.

"How was your day with him?" she asked.

"My day was fantastic. I ran into my cousin today, so that was pretty nice. How was your day?"

"It was great, I spent it with the cat," she said with a slight edge to her voice.

"Okay..," I said.

"Mhm," she hummed.  

"So, do you mind telling me why you're so upset?" I asked. The way she'd been acting was really starting to worry me.

"I'm not upset, Zayn." She walked up the stairs without looking back.

I stood, clueless as to what happened. Shaking my head, I walked up the stairs and got ready to shower. 

It was only two more days till Tuesday...then I had to be at my restaurant to make sure service is perfect on the night. I was excited and worried for that night; what if something goes wrong? I know I should've been more confident for that night, but I couldn't shake the feeling of overbearing worry. My chest seemed heavy as I felt butterflies flying crazy in my stomach.

Even though Tuesday wasn't till two days, just the thought of the day made me nervous. But to me it actually felt like an overload of different emotions at once - but the one emotion that tore into me the most...was the worry. It clawed at my insides, pulling heartstrings and screaming. What could I do?

After I showered I drank a hot cup of tea, trying to settle my nerves and calm down. I lay my head back, closing my eyes. I sighed deeply. 

Just two more days...  


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