Silence, Weird Calls & Movies - Chapter 57

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|...Perrie's P.O.V...|
( July 19th, 1:45 P.M. )

The house was really quiet with Zayn being away, the only noise was Jasper's occasional cry. Seth was scratching on the cat post, purring aloud as he did.

Though Zayn was often gone at work most days, this seemed different. Not being able to see him at night or in the morning, hear his voice, see his smile. It was a foreign thing now, and I wasn't entirely sure how we even got to this point in our lives.

That evening at his apartment, when I left, I never planned to see him again. Not once. He just didn't strike me as being the dad type. We were both really young, and most young men wouldn't be willing to raise a baby. I guess I was afraid of being pushed away by him, so instead of letting him hurting me, I hurt him first. Mean, I know. But at the time, it was the only thing I could think to do. My heart was telling me to think about myself and Jasper. What he would possibly do. Zayn wouldn't hurt a fly, but I knew their were surprises in this life, and even secrets.

I guess I shouldn't have made those assumptions.

The phone rang out through the quiet house. It was the house phone, which was downstairs next to the front door. I hadn't decided on house phones everywhere yet, because Zayn and I, being the only two in the house who used phones, only used our cellphones. They were small and you could carry them anywhere.

I rushed down to the door and took the phone from the receiver. "Hello?" But when I spoke, no one replied. On the other end of the phone was silence. "Who's calling?" I tried again, only to gain the same answer of nothing. I pulled the phone away from my ear, looking down at the small display screen. Whoever called had still been on the line. "Hello?" When I, yet again, received silence, I just hung up the phone, staring at it for a few seconds. If that didn't creep me out, I don't know what would've. But, it did.

I took my cellphone from my nightstand and called Zayn, waiting for him to answer. "Hello," he said.

"Hey. How's everything going?" I sat on the bed.

"It's going pretty good! How are you, Jasper and Seth?" I could tell he was shuffling through some papers by the noises heard in the background.

"Jasper is okay, he's taking a nap right now. Seth is okay, tearing everything up." I laughed. "I'm fine, too, just got a creepy phone call."

He stopped shuffling through the papers at what I said. "Creepy phone call?" he repeated.

"Yeah. Someone called and just sat there. They didn't say anything." I shrugged.

"What was the number?" His voice held curiosity and worry.

"I don't know, I didn't look. Probably some kid, prank calling people." He started going through his papers again.

"Maybe. Just tell me if it happens again, and catch the number, too." I nodded before remembering he couldn't see me.

"I will, I promise." I smiled.

"What have you been up to?"

"Oh, you know, same old, same old. Woke up, fed Jasper, ate something myself, did some laundry, cleaning, and then I just relaxed with a book. Got that phone call, called you." I spoke thoughtfully, recalling all earlier events.

"Sounds interesting."

"What about you?" I asked, running my hand through my hair.

"I just woke up, had breakfast and a coffee, then heading off to work. I'm in the office right now, sketching up some ideas." I heard the sound of his pencil being sat down.

"Ah, sounds fun." I giggled. "Well, I'm going to let you finish, I don't want to hold you back." He chuckled.

"You're not."

"That's what everyone says." I smiled. "I love you."

"I love you more."

"You wish." I rolled my eyes.

"You know it's true. Have a wonderful day."

"You too." We hung up and I laid back on the bed, smiling to myself, wondering how I ended up with such an amazing human being in my life.

The door bell rang just then, and I stood from the bed, walking downstairs to the door, once again. I opened it. It was Caraline.

"Hi!" She exclaimed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, excited.

"I promised Zayn I would keep you company and help out around the house! Now, what do you say to a movie night?!" Her smile widened and she threw her arms in the air.

"Sounds great, I'm in." I let her in and she took her jacket off, hanging it up on the coat rack. I closed and locked the door, walking over to the couch. "Jasper is asleep, so not too loud." I smiled politely.

"I won't be. So...what have you been up to?" I could clearly see she wanted to add the "since Zayn's been gone" part, but she didn't, which helped her case.

"Nothing really, tending to Jasper and spending time with Seth." She nodded in understand and we played the first movie.

Truthfully, I hate writing in her point of view. It's so stupid and boring. But GUYS!

What happened? I didn't get any readers on last weeks update. You read it, but didn't vote D: Eh, lol, thanks for reading though!

Did you guys see the new Tap app? It's so cool! I don't have an IOS or an Android device so I don't know how it works. So tell me how :D Hopefully, I get an Android soon!!!

I love you guys! Vote, comment, fan, share <3 :)


Much love, Me.

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