Fussing, Summer & Sentiments - Chapter 53

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Zayn's P.O.V.
( July 12th )

I kissed Jasper on the cheek as I lifted him from his crib, it being morning now and his usual time to wake up. It was my turn to tend to him. Perrie had done it for the past few nights now. It was 5:36 in the morning right now, and he was being pretty fussy.

As I passed through the hallway I turned on the light, going down the stairs, also turning on the living room light and the kitchen light. "What do you want?" I whispered to him as I quietly made him a bottle. Making sure it wasn't too hot by testing it on my wrist, I picked him up and sat on the couch, holding him in a feeding position as he drank from his bottle.

I watched as his eyes began to slowly droop, sleep taking him over, and a few seconds later, his breathing fell even and his lips slightly parted as he breathed. I smiled down at him. Jasper had, of course, gotten a lot bigger, but he was still pretty small. He was still as cute as a button.

Gently, I stood up and carried him slowly, quietly, up the stairs. I walked into his room and placed him gently in his crib, pulling the little blanket over his fragile body. I leaned down and kisses his cheek before leaving the room with a quiet "goodnight," and I went back to bed.


The morning sun peeked over the hills, giving off an orange/blue and purple light. Birds chilled in their nests made in trees, chirping music as their wings danced. The weather was just a little hotter than lukewarm, not even a small breeze. Every leaf, every branch, and every inch of grass had been stiff, nothing moving. It smelt fresh - a change we've needed for a long time. Months on months in cold weather, despite the season. Summer would fall upon us in less than two months, and the rays from the sun would truly be haunting then. No one seemed to care, it didn't bother people here. It was rare to get a lick of hot weather here, and this year surprised us. For the past few years, all we got was cold weather, even in summer. That's why it was still cold in May and June. Below 40 degrees. But today was different, and the start of 87 degrees.
River Crest couldn't be happier.

Perrie and I took Jasper out today, specifically to the beach. He wasn't 3-5 months old anymore. He was 3 months from being a year old. Oh, how time flies. A lot has happened to my life in such a short amount of time.

I moved in with Harry, got promoted to Manager from my job, ran into Perrie and has a "reunion," if that's what one should call it, then she got into that accident, Jasper was a part of life after that, she finally had woken up, we got married, we lived happily, I became a house flipper and gave Harry more responsibility in the restaurant, then Louis came into our lives and tried ruining us, we broke up kind of, got back together, and now, here we are...on the beach, happily once again, as the family we were meant to be.

In just a year, not even a whole year yet, my life took so many flips, dips, crashes and back-agains, that it's crazy. But I wouldn't change it for anything else in the world.

"Zayn, look!" Perrie shrieked as Harry and Caraline finally showed up. She jumped up and ran to go greet Caraline, and I picked up Jasper and rested him on my hip as I walked over to the three of them.

"Hey." I smiled as I stopped in front of them.

"Hey Zayn, nice to see you, bud." We all greeted each other and Perrie and Caraline started talking about some kind of new shampoos they're testing out on their hair.

"So how's life treating you now?" Harry asked while the girls' were too caught up in mumbo-jumbo to pay attention.

"It's really good right now. I think we're back on the right seaside." Harry smiled and nodded, giving me a thumbs up.

"I bought him a gift!" Harry exclaimed, remembering about a present for Jasper. "As an early birthday present."

"Oh yeah!" Caraline shared his excitement. "Go get it, Harry!" He nodded and turned to go back to his car to grab that girt.

"Of course we're still getting him about twenty-thousand gifts on the day of his birthday, but we couldn't wait that long anymore," Caraline laughed.

"You didn't have to get him anything," Perrie insisted.

"We wanted to! Friends do this sort of thing." Caraline shrugged it off, waving her hand to dismiss the matter. Harry walked up a few seconds later.

"Here it is!" he said, holding a square box, not that big, and handing it to me.

"Is it appropriate to open it here?" I asked.

"Of course!" He clapped his hands together and motioned towards the gift. "Open it." I smiled and handed Perrie Jasper as I tore the wrapping from the box. There it was, a normal-sized cardboard box. I raised an eyebrow. "Open the box!" He laughed. I opened it. It was a portrait. One we all took together a few months before.

I forgot about the picture but I remembered the day we took it. I wouldn't dare forget it. I didn't have the photo, nor did Perrie, because Harry has taken it with his Polaroid camera. It was a "selfie." He set it up on his camera stand and set the timer to 5 seconds before running over to us so he could be in the picture.

My right arm was wrapped around Perrie's waist, she held Jasper with her face cuddled into my chest, Harry and Caraline stood a little in front of us but more to the side of us, hugging romantically. We each had grins on our faces. We were so happy that day. So happy. 

I smiled at the memory. "I remember this."

"Yeah, I decided what better gift for him than this. It's a memory to be cherished forever. We should really start snapping everything, so you guys can explain to him all of our journeys together. Those will be some pretty intense stories." Harry smiled, followed by Caraline and Perrie.

"Thanks so much, guys!" Perrie hugged them and so did I, as a way of gratitude to out two best friends. After the sentiments, we all agreed to go hang out at our seats. The day is another memory to be cherished forever.

My life had never been better...

I hope you guys liked it all so much! It's almost over...not really. Curves are coming OMG!!!!


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