Soup, Flashing Lights & L.U.V. - Chapter 66

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|...Perrie's P.O.V...|
( July 25th, 5:48 PM )

"I know, it was creepy." At the moment, Caraline and I were cutting up some vegetables for the soup we were making for dinner, and we were talking about the break-in.

"Well, I'm happy the guy behind all of this can't try to come back," she said. I agreed and we went on with our business. Not too much later, the front door opened to reveal Zayn. He walked into the kitchen, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Just dropped Shawn off at the airport. He's headed home."

"That's good," I said, smiling at him. He washed his hands and started to cut the chicken in little pieces. It was already boiled and ready to be thrown into the pot of broth.

Once everything was cut up and in the pot, I put the lid halfway over it and left the kitchen after pouring myself a glass of orange juice. I sat on the couch and sighed, Zayn sitting down beside me. 

"Something bothering you?" he asked, pulling me closer to him.

"No, just wondering why it happened to us."

"These things just happen. It happens to a lot of people." By this time it was dark out, being 7 o'clock and the clouds made it darker.

"I know. It's just worrying me." I closed my eyes and just listened to what was around me.

"Don't worry about it. We're okay," he reassured me.

"Okay. Thanks."

"You don't have to thank me, love." I nodded and opened my eyes. However, the second I opened them I saw a light flash across the window, transparent through the light curtains.

"Zayn," I said, alert. "Someone's outside." He got up and grabbed his handgun from the coffee table. He's been carrying it with him ever since the break-in. "I saw a light move across the window."

"Stay here, I'll check it out." He walked to the sliding door that led to the backyard, slid it open quietly and left.

"What's going on?" Caraline asked, coming out of the kitchen.

"I saw a light move across the window like someone was trying to see in here." I told her.

"I'm sure it was nothing." She giggled unsure, not even sounding too positive herself. I just let the room fall into silence as I listened closely to any possible noise.

"What if there's someone in the house?" I asked, making myself even more scared that before, my heart beginning to pound.

"There's no one in here, I can assure you. You left windows and doors closed and locked, there's no way someone got in without you two hearing, or me even." She looked up the stairs.

The door slid open and Zayn appeared, closing it and locking it. "I didn't see anybody."

"There was someone there, I know there was." I folded my arms.

"I'm not saying there wasn't anyone there. I'm just saying there's nobody there now. Maybe it was someone looking for something and they accidentally flashed the light over here." He shrugged.

"You're acting like this is nothing." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not acting like this is nothing. I'm just saying not to worry much. You never know what it was, and if it was someone deliberately flashing a light over here, then they won't get in, and if they do, they won't get far." He pulled me into a hug.


"I'm going to get home now. I'll call you when I get there." I pulled away from Zayn.

"Be careful out there." I demanded.

"I will." She smiled and walked to the door. "Bye!" She left and it was just Zayn, Jasper and I. Jasper was asleep in his playpen and Seth was asleep next to him, curled into a ball.

"Let's check on dinner." Zayn nodded and we went into the kitchen. I took the lid off the pot and stirred the soup with a ladle. "It's looking good." I smiled.

"It does. I think it'll be ready soon." I stopped smiling, falling silent in thought. "What is it?" he asked.

"What if someone does get in? What if they hurt Jasper?" I frowned deeply.

"No one's going to get in. If it makes you feel any better, I'll get a dog from the shelter so he can watch." That made it a little better.

"Okay, that's okay." I nodded, hugging him. "That makes me feel better." He hugged me tightly.

"Anything for you."

"Stop being so cheesy." I giggled, letting go. He chuckled and twirled me around.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you, too." I smiled.

"Come on, let's eat."

OOoooooHHHHhhhh, what's gonna happen??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??! That can't be good!!! OMG guys I'm exciting for the ending. You're gonna drown in your own tears O_O!

Pleaseeeee read my book, Thinspirationnnnnn. I neeeeed heeeelllppppp.

Anywayyyy, vote for the next chapter my lovesssssss! I hope that doesn't sound desperate :/

I love you guys :) Yu Rawwk.


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