Good News, Nagging & Specialty - Chapter 7

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Narrator's P.O.V.

The first thing Zayn's mom did when he left was pickup the baby. She walked over to the couch, and sat down. She examined the baby's precious little face. As she sat looking at the adorable baby in her arms, a thought arose in her mind. This baby looks just like Zayn, she thought.

She looked at a picture that she kept in her wallet, of Zayn when he was younger. Examining the baby on the picture, looking at every detail, she looked at the baby in her arms. She could definitely see a resemblance - a big one. Pushing the thought from her mind, she starting to softly rock Jasper until he fell asleep. As she walked to his crib, she heard the phone start ringing from downstairs. Quickly yet gently, she placed Jasper in his crib and then tiptoed out of the room, pulling the door ajar.

She grabbed the phone from the receiver, putting it to her ear. "Hello?"

"Hello, I'm calling for Zayn Malik?" the man on the other end of the phone answered.

"This is his mother," Trisha told him, "who's calling?"

"Dr. Moore, from the emergency hospital."

"Okay..," she said unsurely.

"I need to talk to Mr. Malik, is he in right now?" the Dr. asked.

"Not at the moment, but you can call his cellphone," she said.

"Okay, thank you."

After giving Zayn's number to Dr. Moore, she sat worriedly on the couch.

Zayn's P.O.V.

"Harry, it only matters how you cook it," I said, as Harry laughed at what one of the other chefs were saying. Stupidest conversation ever, I thought to myself. "Get back to work, guys," I said,  shaking my head, leaving the kitchen and going into my office.

I sat down, just as my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Dr. Moore, Perrie's doctor. "Hello?"

"Yes, Mr. Malik," he said.

"Everything okay?" I asked as worry coursed its way through my body.

"I have some good news," he said simply, making me both happy and concerned.

"What is it? Is Perrie okay?"

"There are some things I need to tell you, Mr. Malik."

"Go on, I'm listening," I spoke.

"I ran a couple of tests on Ms. Edwards, and while I was writing something down, which I'll tell you about face to face, she moved a finger."

"Really!?" I said happily.

"Yes. She even took a deep breath on her own. She reached a whole finger up," he said.

"That's great. Do you think I could visit later?" I asked.

"Sure. Don't forget to talk to her. There's a high chance that she could wake up, Zayn," he said, not too sure.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." He replied. We got off the phone, and I just about fainted with joy. I couldn't believe what I'd just heard. Seriously? This could be it, the day she wakes up! I couldn't wait for work to end, nor could I wait any longer to tell someone. So, I called mom.

"Zayn, are you okay?" She asked, worried.

"I'm better than okay, mom. I'm ecstatic!" I said joyfully.

"What did the Doctor say?" she asked.

"Perrie moved, and took a breath on her own," I said, grinning ear-to-ear.

"Really? That's amazing," she replied, quite happily.

"I know. Dr. Moore said that there's a high chance of her waking up," I said.

"That's good." When we got off the phone, I focused on work. Tried to, anyway.

Work finished up for the day, and I went to the hospital. I sat on the chair near Perrie's bed, talking about how much I missed her. I truly did miss her. If only she knew that.

When I got home, mom asked me, "Have you noticed that Jasper kind of looks like you?"

"Yes, I have," I said. "Where is he?"

"He's asleep. I'm just curious - do you think that maybe he's your son?" she asked.

"No. Perrie said that he's her sister's baby, and she was looking after him." Quickly ending the conversation, I opened the refrigerator.

"But why would you be taking care of the baby now, if he wasn't Perrie's?"

"I don't know. I haven't talked to Perrie's family in a long time, so maybe something happened to her sister, and Perrie took care of her baby," I said, shrugging it off and pouring a glass of orange juice.

"Maybe, but he looks just like you, Zayn," Mom said. "Where have you been all night anyway?"

"Oh. Sorry for not calling, I was at the hospital with Perrie," I told her.

"It's okay, but make sure you call next time," she said.

"I will." I replied.

Mom made dinner that night, and the both of us ate while talking. Mom stayed over, sleeping in a guest room.

 In the morning, I began breakfast. Jasper was still sleeping and so was mom. I made a good plate of eggs, bacon, sausage and toast for mom. I only had eggs and bacon. I made her a nice, warm cup of coffee, waking her up with a tray in my hands.

"What's this?" she asked, rather surprised.

"Breakfast in bed. Here." I gave her the tray, and she thanked me and began to eat. I left out, eating my food in the kitchen.

There was no work that day, so I was spending the day out with Jasper. Mom left my house around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I took Jasper out of his swing, leaving the house.

I drove to the park, getting out and going to the trunk. I opened it, grabbing Jasper's stroller, and placing it on the ground. I closed the trunk, moving the stroller over to jasper's side of the car. I opened the door, unbuckling Jasper and putting him in his stroller. I locked him in, closing the car door and locking it. I strolled over to the pond, watching as the birds flew around. The sky was beautiful bright blue, not a cloud showing. The sun glistened off the water, making it shine and look really clean. I sat on a bench, turning Jasper's stroller facing me, so I could see him at all times.

I went home at 4 o'clock, feeding Jasper and doing everything else with him.

You sure are something else, Jasper... something very special, I thought as I hugged him.


Thanks, all of you! You guys don't know how much this means to me! Thank you, truly. I love you all.

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