Stand By You - Chapter 49

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|...Perrie's P.O.V...|

Caraline told me to put all my heart into the relationship. She said if I really wanted to keep him in my life, I had to prove it. So her idea was for me to treat him the way I used to - to treat him the way that I want him to treat me. Like he belongs. Like we belong. She said no one's going to believe that their spouse loves them the way they love you if you don't show it. In a very logical way, she was truly right. I was acting like it was his fault, why we've been fighting. In reality, it's actually my fault. I tried to throw the fault of my cheating on him not being there enough. But this is the relationship I agreed to. I knew what he did for a living, and I still vowed to be his everything. This is what I came for.

I put a lot of thought into this relationship, and into who I wanted to be with. There were two things I realized. 1- I wanted Zayn. 2- I needed him. When we were constantly fighting after he found out about my affair, I ended up more lonely than I ever figured I'd be. Those days when he ignored me, avoided my presence, I realized how depressing life would be without him. I really needed him, otherwise, I wouldn't know what to do. Besides, I felt way better knowing that my son, our son, would grow up with his true father other than Louis.

Right now, all I was feeling was happiness. I felt more welcome at home than I had felt in a long time. Zayn and I were cuddled up on the couch, a blanket over us as we watched a movie. Don't Breathe

"Are you getting tired?" he asked softly, kind of like he figured if he talked to loud, I'd break like glass.

"Kind of."

"Let's get some rest." I sat up, then stood up, stretched, yawned, and smiled at him.
"What?" he asked, raising a brow as he stood up.

"Nothing. I love you."

"I love you, too." He smiled back and we walked up the stairs and went to sleep. That was the first time in a long time that we actually slept in our bed together. He was either sleeping in his office or on the couch, and I was in the room or on the couch the nights he wasn't. For the first time in a few weeks, I slept peacefully.

-  -  -
 -  -  -

"Good morning." I saw a smiling Zayn through my blurred vision. My eyes adjusted to the sudden light in the room, and I gave Zayn a warm smile.

"Morning. How'd you sleep?"

"Better." He was already dressed for work, sitting at the end of the bed.

"Work today?" I asked a bit disappointed.

"Yeah. But I won't be gone for too long. Just about seven hours today. We just have to fix up this one bathroom and then the entire house is ready for showcasing." He turned towards the window, looking out at the beautiful view.

"Okay. Well, I'll probably just stay home all day. I have nothing to do tomorrow, but I like spending time with Jasper...Where is he, by the way?" I asked, getting out of the bed to get changed into some everyday wear.

"He's still asleep. I'm going to buy some stuff for him tonight. He's getting bigger." He opened his suitcase, revealing some floor plans, a few rulers, binders, and pictures of houses.

"I'm going to eat something. Want anything before you go?" I threw my hair up in a messy ponytail.

"No, thank you. I'm leaving now. Sorry." He frowned but pulled me into a goodbye hug. "I'll see you tonight." He kissed my forehead and smiled, turning towards me one last time. "Love later."

I smiled. It's what we always used to say. "You too."

I think it's safe to say we were one-hundred percent better. I hoped we could move passed all the secrets. From here on out, I promised to myself to no longer keep secrets. It doesn't end well.

Later in the day, Caraline came over and I told her about the progress Zayn and I made. Everything was going well throughout the day, until he showed up.

I wish I knew he was a psychotic lunatic beforehand. Now, the future was inevitable.

Oh, tears make kaleidoscopes in your eyes

And hurt, I know you're hurting, but so am I

And, love, if your wings are broken

Borrow mine 'til yours can open, too

'Cause I'm gonna stand by you.

Hey beauties! Can you guys believe we're almost to the end of the story? It's not going to be sugar and rainbows throughout its entire existence! Drama is going to be coming up shortly. And I mean major danger drama.

Anyway, this was chapter 49 and I really hope you loved it! Be sure to check out my new story, Thinspiration. I'll give you a little teaser. It's an Ashton Irwin fanfiction. It goes:

A teenage boy becomes highly infatuated with the thought of losing weight; being perfect.

With the thought of perfection on his mind, he starts to increasingly become obsessed in calorie counting, and tons of exorcise.

Having no idea he's actually killing himself, he continues to deny the fact that he's got a serious problem and needs to seek help.

As he continues to calorie count, he discovers a new way to his success - binge purging.

Time goes on, and he gets sicker and sicker, slowly losing his young life.

He cried so many tears from the words people said to him - from the words the world chewed on and didn't swallow, but only spewed them from their mouths. Nothing his mother could do, nothing his friends could do - there was nothing anyone could do to help him, and they couldn't change his mind. He needed this; he needed to be perfect. He needed to be in control for once, and this was the one way he could do it. No one was about to take that away from him.

And just when he thinks he's got it all figured out, just when he finally feels free, something changes. Someone makes his decisions difficult to go through with. It's not just his feelings anymore - it's their feelings.

He turns a new leaf, for the better, until his life is shattered into trillions of tiny pieces. The words are coming back to him, people are getting the better of him, and he can no longer handle it. It becomes way too much, and so much pressure is being put on him. "Don't do this!" "Stay with us, Ashton! We love you, who cares about anyone else!" But he has to do it. He can't live like this anymore.

This is it. . . he's been driven to suicide.

Well, guys! I hope that interests you. :)

I love you all so much, and this has been dedicated to  every single one of you!

Yu Guys Rawwk always <3 Xxx

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