L.A.X., Obscurity & Hotels - Chapter 56

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Zayn's P.O.V.
( July 18th, 10:00 AM )

It seemed like this day came by so fast, as if in just two days. But it really had been a week.

Here I stood, in the airport, my duffel bag over my shoulder, two suitcases on either side of me. Perrie stood in front of me, obscure of the whole situation. She couldn't understand why they wanted me to go all the way down to the U.K. when I had importance in U.S. But I needed to.

"I promise I'll be back before you know it. There's no reason to be so gloomy." She stared down, not believing m words. "Hey. Look at me." I tilted her chin up with my thumb and forefinger, making her look at me. "I love you."

Her orbs stared into mine. "I love you, too." She hugged me tightly, burying her face into my chest. "You better stay safe out there."

"You know I will."

"Flight 102." That was me.

"I have board now." She frowned but nodded.

"I know. Call me as soon as you land. I love you with every inch of my heart." She took my hand in hers as we walked to the ticket post.

"I love you to infinity and beyond. I promise to call soon as I land."

Once we were at the booth, I handed my ticket to the woman on the other side. She wore thin-framed glasses, and her hair was in a high bun. She smiled and handed me my ticket back. "Just one?" She looked between Perrie and I.

"Yeah. He's got business to attend to." Perrie gave a friendly smile the woman, and she nodded.

"Well, your flights ready, sir. Have a safe one, and you drive home safely." She smiled before I kissed Perrie goodbye, and waved one last time before walking on board.

My seat was four seats down, to the window, and when I got there I put my luggage up and sat down, making myself comfy. Perrie and I drove down to L.A. so I could take a flight from L.A.X. That was a two hour drive.

After about ten minutes, the flight was ready for takeoff. "Everyone, please take your seats and put your seat belts on until you are able to freely take them off," the flight attendant ordered. I buckled in, and soon enough, the plane started to move.

A voice spoke from the intercom. "We'll be landing in London, U.K. in approximately 10 hours and 20 minutes. For the time being, feel free to watch T.V., read books or magazines, and eat air food until then."

I decided to just relax for awhile. But eventually, I gave up because I was too tense to relax. Perrie was on my mind the whole time. Is she okay? Would she make it back safely? I always had the worst case scenarios in my head when I worried. It was a natural thing for me, and that's one big reason as to why I hated thinking.

I tried to ignore the thoughts, deciding keeping faith would probably be a better solution. 

The plane boarded at 10:30 AM, and it was now 6:47 PM. It was dark outside as the flight attendant passed out blankets and pillows. "Here you go, sir. It's getting a little cold." I thanked her and put the blanket over myself.

The plane would be landing in only two hours, so I was pretty happy about that. Needing to be on a plane for such a long time wasn't a good feeling. It was actually very annoying.

At the moment, I was eating some peanuts. These things were terrible, but I would rather eat this than whatever that slop they serve is. I always wondered why airplane food was so bad. Probably because most of it was so old that it was pathetic. Honestly, the least they could do is buy fresh snacks. Everything was so stale on planes. It was like being mentally tortured.

Two hours later, the plane landed and everyone was allowed off. One-at-a-time so nobody tripped and fell. Pulling my luggage from the holder, I swung my defful bag over my shoulder and pulled down my suitcases. I left the plane and dragged my suitcases along with me. I stopped at a street lamp and pulled my phone from my pocket. I dialed Perrie's number and waited for an answer.

"Zayn! You landed!" She cheered into the phone, ecstatic.

"Yep. How are you? Home safely, I hope." I smiled over the line though she couldn't see me.

"Safe and sound. Jasper just went to sleep. We finished dinner about thirty minutes ago. How was the flight?" I could hear the smile on her face.

"That's good, and it was fine. Boring and tiring." I laughed. "Well, I'm going to head down to the hotel now. I'll call you first thing in the morning. Love you!"

"Alright. I'm happy you're alright. I love you too. Sleep well, Zayn." She kissed the phone and I did the same before hanging up.

I made it to the hotel room, having needed to take a taxi, and I got my room key before taking the elevator to the second floor. My room was 215, so I searched quietly for my room. It took two hours to get to the hotel, so it was 10:21 PM. I didn't want to disturb anyone, so I made sure I was extra quiet walking down the hall.

After 5 minutes, I realized I couldn't find the room. I sighed.

"Are you lost, sir?" someone asked from behind me. I turned around. It was a hotel employee. He wore a white dress shirt, a red vest over it, and black suit pants. His name tag read "Josh."

"Yeah. I can't seem to find room 215. It's supposed to be on this floor." I looked around.

"Ah. Right this way." He brought me over to a door. "Here it is." 

"But there's just a five on it...in the middle." This was stupid.

"That's because the door hasn't been fixed. It's supposed to be 215, but no one seems to ever fix these things. The 2 and the 5 fell off a long time ago." He wasn't British, so why was here was beyond me.

"Alright, thanks." He nodded and walked away. I unlocked the door and went in, flicking the light switch on. I closed the door and locked it, arranging the room a little. I wasn't going to here for long, just about a week, but I decided I might as well make the room look proper.

After showering, I went to sleep.

This should be an interesting, new experience.

What did I tell you last week? I promised a longer chapter, and there it is!! The book is just about over, but we still have about 10-15 chapters left. That means 10 or 15 weeks left in the Torn Between Reality story. OMG! I can't believe how far this book has come (\^.^/)

I love you guys! You Rawwk! Oh! If you want a good song to check out, I highly recommend Invisible by the amazing Christina Grimmie. It was released yesterday, and it's just too good to pass up! <3

Love always, xx

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