Awake, Mourning & Answers - Chapter 71

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Zayn's P.O.V.
( October 23rd, 4:12 AM )

Jasper had been crying ever since he woke up at 1 in the morning. We were at Harry's house and he said we could stay for a couple of days, as long as we needed. 

Jasper wouldn't go to sleep. I tried everything. Feeding, pacifiers, rocking, singing. Everything!

The door received a knock and I said come in. In came Harry. "Everything okay?" Dumb question.

"He won't sleep. I can't calm him down." I sat on the couch with him on my knee and bounced it slightly.

"Will he drink milk?" Harry asked. He was leaning on the door frame with his arms folded over his chest.

"Nope. I tried everything. Changing, feeding, singing and so on, nothing's helped." I shook my head. He was merely whimpering right now, but every now and then he'd let out a cry.

After a moment of silence I realized Jasper's cries had stopped and his breath was beginning to even out. His eyes were closed.

"He's asleep," I whispered to Harry. He nodded and smiled at me before leaving the room. I just laid back on the couch with Jasper on me, his head laying on my chest. I kept my arms around him so he didn't fall and I closed my eyes.


When I woke up the next morning, Jasper wasn't with me. I freaked out, jumping up. Memories of the last 15 hours replayed in my head. Sometime in the morning at about 6:27, Jasper began to cry again and Caraline came and offered to take him. I'd been asleep ever since.

I sat on the couch as an emptiness filled me. My heart seemed to be ripped out and thrown onto the ground. I felt nothing but pure emptiness. My eyes began to burn with tears, and I put my head in my hands, crying silently to myself. I still couldn't believe what had happened. How could it happen to me? To Jasper? How is he supposed to grow up without his mother? How would I explain this to him in the future when he's old enough to understand?

The door creaked open but I didn't care enough to look who it was. A hand was placed on my shoulder and I could tell it was Harry. "I'm so sorry this happened. We'll get the guy who did it. I promise."

"How do you know?" I asked, barely above a whisper.

"I just do. Whoever it was won't get away with this." I just stayed quiet, unsure of how to reply. I didn't know if I should believe it or not. It's not like every murder case is solved anyway. It could be one of those cases where the murderer just gets away with it because they were done investigating.

"Come on down whenever you're ready, breakfast is on." He left me to my mourning.

I left the room ten minutes later, after I had finished my crying and decided it was time to eat. If I could even do that.

When I entered the kitchen, Harry and Caraline were eating at the table and Jasper was in his highchair that I brought. Harry saw me come in and beckoned me forward.

"You can get some breakfast, it's still on the stove." He told me. I went and got a plate before sitting at the table.

I liked the fact they weren't bothering me with questions or sorrows about what happened. I just wanted to eat and try to forget about it without someone constantly bringing it back up.

A few minutes later a knock came at the door. I furrowed my brows in confusion and Harry shrugged before getting up to answer. I followed curiously. He opened the door, revealing a police officer in his mid-thirties.

"I'm here for a 'Zayn Malik'?" He held a notepad and a pen, and he had a deadly serious glare.

"That's me." I moved closer so he could see me.

"I need to ask you some questions, if you could just step out for a minute." I went outside and Harry closed the door.


"Don't take offense to these questions, I'm just doing my job." I nodded and he went on. "Where were you the night of Mrs. Malik's murder?"

"I went to work then I got coffee with a friend." I told truthfully.

"Do you mind telling me all about the day? Did you two fight at all?" He scribbled something down in his notes.

"Well, the night before we had a little bit of a disagreement, but I wouldn't call it an argument." I shifted my weight. "The morning when I woke up, she wasn't home. She left her phone and didn't leave a note, took Jasper and just left. She was probably at a friends' house. I just left and went to work then grabbed a coffee. When I got home, I found Jasper crying and she was just..." He stopped me.

"Okay. What was the disagreement about?" As personal as this would be if she were alive, it wasn't anymore. That's when it clicked. And to me, it all made sense. Louis. It had to be him.

"Well, this could be some kinda information for you guys to look into." He nodded.

"Go on."

"There's this guy named Louis Tomlinson. He'd been threatening my wife."

"What exactly did he say?"

"She told him to leave her alone and that she doesn't want anything to do with him, and he said she would regret saying that. That was the night before she was murdered." I spoke firmly.

"Why didn't you mention this information last night?" He asked suspiciously. 

"Well, I mean, I was in a state of shock and I couldn't even think straight." He looked at me with suspicion.

"And this guy's name is Louis Tomlinson, you said?" He wrote in his notes.


"Okay. Well, thank you for your time, sir. We'll look into this." He left and I was left to myself. I put my head in my hands.

What happened to us?

Hey! Sorry for not updating in forever! You guys are going to be so mad at me in the next chapter. I am sorry in advance!!

Hope you liked it, vote and comment. :)

Yu Guys Rawwk.

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