Harry's Advice, Coffee & Sighs - Chapter 36

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Zayn's P.O.V.
(July 3rd, 6:24 PM)

Harry's face softened and he sat on the couch, waving me over. "Sit down," he said. I walked to the armchair across from him and sat down, resting my chin on the back of my palm, my elbow resting on the armrest.

"So, what advice do you need exactly?" he asked confused as to where I was going with this.

"What would you do if your girlfriend had an online relationship with someone you don't particularly like...?" I asked, trying not to be too obvious. But let's face it - I'm over-obvious.

He pursed his lips in deep thought. "Well..." he began. "Caraline would never do something like that to me, so I have no idea." He gave me a little laugh.

"Harry! I'm being serious, stop playing around. I'm not in the mood!" I snapped, gritting my teeth in annoyance.

He threw his arms up in surrender. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he said. I nodded to him that it was okay and he went on. "If I, hypothetically speaking, had a girlfriend who was cheating on me with some guy from the internet, I would easily win her heart back." I stared at him like he was an alien from Jupiter.

"Are you crazy? How on earth would I ever win her heart back? What if she loves this guy?!" I ranted a little bit, shaking my head.

"Zayn, love is a strong word." Harry stood up, signaling me to follow him into the kitchen. "You know what I think you need right now?" he asked. "A coffee. It'll settle your nerves." He began to make some coffee in the coffeepot, pouring some hot water in the top.

"You seriously think coffee is going to help the matter?" I muttered, rolling my eyes.

"No, I don't think coffee is going to solve anything. I just know that coffee relaxes the nerves. However, it also plays with them. If you're not a coffee-drinker, then more than likely you'll be jitter-ish." He closed the top and opened the cabinet, grabbing to plain-white coffee mugs. He placed them on the countertop and got the sugar out.

"How could I win her back anyway?" I asked, sitting on the barstool, just thinking.

"You do sweet things for her! Do everything for her. Take her everywhere. One of the things you definitely need to do, is listen to everything she tells with no backtalk, eye rolls, or huffs." He looked me dead in the eye, seriously speaking.

"Are you positive this will even work? For all I know, she already hates me." I sighed, running my hands down my face.

"Wait - how did you even find this out?" he questions, placing his elbows on the counter and resting his jaw on the back of his palm.

"Well, I  looked at her computer- bam, there it was. Nothing else to it,  really," I said simply. His mouth hung ever-so slightly agape.

"She left her computer signed into the internet? That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard!"

I gave him a glare, growling under my breath. "Back to the point, Harold."

"First of all, do not call me Harold.  I hate that name," he said. "Second of all, buy here stuff. Things she would like."

"Well, obviously." I scoffed.

"You're in a very bad mood." He frowned. "Cheer up."

"Cheer up? Wait, wait, wait! I'm going through a crisis, and all you can tell me...is to cheer up?" I said, rather shocked, staring at him like he's a monster.

"Seriously, Zayn, chill out. You'll easily win her back if you listen to what I'm telling you," he said.

I sighed. "Go  on."

"You're her husband. He's her romantic interest. So what! He's over the internet. You're right in her face. He's a silly internet boyfriend while you're her real-life husband! Have you been taking her places?" he asked.

"That's insane. They've probably already hung out together face-to-face, and what do you mean, 'have you been taking her places.' Of course I haven't. She's never home anymore. But I did plan on taking her out tomorrow, for 4th." I huffed.

"You guys just need to  communicate, seriously. Do you think Caraline and I would still be an item if we didn't communicate?" He rolled his eyes, staring at me.

"I don't know. Would you?" I asked, playing stupid.

"Ha-ha, very funny. Anyway, she probably wants someone to spend time with. Maybe she feels like you're not making a good enough effort to spend time as husband and wife," he said, shrugging.

"Maybe you're right." I sunk in my seat, groaning inwardly.

"Just relax. Everything will work's itself out. Remember when I told you, "If she shows, then it was meant to be. If she doesn't show, then it was never meant to be - you two were never meant to be"?" he asked.

"How could I ever forget when you kept saying it?" I chuckled.

"Well, it's a good thing you remembered, because I'm just going to say it again. If everything works out, then it was meant to be. If not, then it was never meant to be, and the two of you were never meant to be. Remember that." He pursed his lips, turning to the coffeepot and pouring some coffee into both mugs.

"You're right. I just need to calm down, and think things through." He handed me the coffee mug.

"I suggest you put some sugar in there, because if you don't, you'll regret taking a sip," he said, seriously.

"Okay." I put two sugar cubes in the beverage and Harry handed me a spoon, which I used to stir the coffee so I could get the full taste. "Thank you," I said as I sipped at my drink.

"Really, there's no need to thank me. I'm always here to help out." He smiled.

"Follow," I said as I walked to the backdoor. I slid it open and walked over to the outdoor table, placing my coffee onto the table, then I sat in the chair. Harry sat across from me. "Sorry, I just need some fresh air."

"It's fine." He waved it off.

I spent the rest of my day at Harry's house and went home around 9:30 PM. The house was as silent as a mouse, and I peeked into Jasper's room. He was fast asleep in his crib. Walking quietly into the room, I leaned over the crib.

"I love you, Jasper," I whispered, kissing his cheek before pulling his baby blanket over him. I left the room and entered Perrie's and I's room. She was also asleep in bed, cuddled closely under the covers, snug and warm. For a few minutes I just stood there, listening to her soft breathing. Then, finally, I approached the bed.

Quietly, I climbed in and pulled the cover over me, turning my body in the opposite direction than Perrie, so that I was facing the wall. Closing my eyes, I drift into a not-so peaceful sleep.

Well, this update is long overdue, so I'm sorry for that! I haven't really been on my best schedules right now, so I'm going to get started on catching up again!! But I'm updating 4 times this week...all for you!!!

I can't believe we're almost to chapter 40! #^.^# That makes me happy. You guys make me happy! :)

Thanks for reading, voting and commenting. I hope you're still liking this. Vote and comment. :)

I love you all, and remember, Yu Guys Rawwk!!!


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