Chats, Reminiscing & Business - Chapter 51

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Zayn's P.O.V.

I pulled into the driveway at 8:22 PM, having left work at 7:50 PM. Shutting off the engine, I got out of the car with a few groceries in my hands, and I unlocked the front door, going into the house. Quietly, not knowing if Jasper was awake or not, I put the bags of food on the counter top before packing them into the refrigerator and cabinets.

"Hey you," Perrie said, greeting me with a smile.

"Hey. How was everything while I was gone?" I put away the last of the groceries before fully facing Perrie.

"It went well. Caraline came over, and Jasper was a good baby, as usual." Her smile got bigger as she turned to walk away.

I missed being able to spend more time with Jasper, but at the same time it was fine because I needed to work to keep him safe.

I recalled all the many times I used to call my mom and ask what was wrong with him, and she would always help. Those times Caraline came over to help out with him. Other times when I left him with my Mom so she could watch him for me. I could sit and reminisce for hours if I wanted to, but I decided to look forward, see the bigger picture. Today and tomorrow.

After a quick shower, I went down to eat with Perrie. She had already been setting everything up in the kitchen. "What's for dinner?" I asked.

"I made steak, potatoes and asparagus." She smiled warmly at me while placing down a fork. The tablecloth she chose tonight was a rosy red, with little swirls going through it. I nodded and took a piece of steak, cutting into thin, tiny pieces. I put it on a small plate, followed by a bit of potatoes. "For Jasper?" she asked.

"Yeah," I replied and went upstairs while she dished the food. I picked up Jasper, who was already awake, and went back downstairs. I put him in his highchair and put a bib aroundhis neck, smiling down at him.

After prayer, we began to eat silently. Conversations at the dinner table had long died down. I was still a little hesitant of the whole situation, but slowly I was getting over it.

"So," she started, "how was work?" she finished.

"It was good, almost done with the house. We just have to install plumbing and we're finished." I swallowed some potatoes before feeding some to Jasper, watching him chew slowly. His lips were red and his eyes a little bluer than usually. It was as though they sparkled, happy to see his parents bonding.

"That's good." She wiped her mouth with a napkin.

"Yeah." I took a small piece of steak and put it into Jasper's mouth. He had started teething not long ago, so he was biting on anything and everything. I bought him one of those frozen teething toys.

After we finished up all of our food, I rocked Jasper to sleep just like in the olden days. His eyes were gently closed, his mouth slightly opened as he breathed softly. Smiling warmly at him, I lay him gently in his crib, pulling the small blanket over his body before giving a small kiss to his forehead and leaving the room, not closing the door.

"He's fast asleep." I walked into the room where Perrie had been reading a book in bed. It was only 9:30, but we didn't feel like staying awake any longer that night. It wasn't a movie or anything, so we just went to sleep.

• • •

The following morning, I got up and started trimming the rosebush in the back of the house. I hadn't done any gardening for quite a while, so the garden definitely didn't look its best right now. But with a bit of watering and trimming, they would start to blossom again. The grass was slightly paling in a light dead grass color, so again, I watered it.

Walking across the street to the mailboxes, I unlocked my locker with my key and grabbed the papers of news and envelopes, locking it up again before going into the house. Skim reading through most of it, my eyes caught a glimpse of something else.

In red letters, in bold, read: BUSINESS. I raised a wondering eyebrow before gently opening the envelope. Inside was a yellow piece of paper. Unfolding it, I read the following message. Apparently I was needed on an important business trip, all the way in U.K. What was that all about?

I was supposed to be taking a flight to Holmes Chapel. My flight was already paid for and it was scheduled for the following week, which was July 18th. They needed my help with a house for some famous family.

I shrugged, why not?

Later after Perrie woke up, I decided to tell her. "So, I got a message in the mail today. I'm needed on a business trip in U.K." I sipped my coffee.

"When?" she asked, making herself a cup of coffee.

"I'll be taking off on the 18th..." This wasn't a conversation I wanted to have. It's not like I fully trusted leaving her alone for however long this trip would take, but at the same time, I didn't want to push her away by being way too clingy.

"Really. Interesting. Are you going?"

"I have to. I might get fired if I don't. I'm assigned to help this company refurbish a house for some famous family. It's a three story." I explained.

"Oh. So then, you'll be gone for a long time?" She frowned and looked away.

"Not that long. Maybe a week, possibly less. Hey, I'll be back before you know it." I smiled and pulled her into a hug.

"I'll miss you," she sighed.

"I'll miss you more."

She said to me, "forget what you thought, 'cause good girls' and bad girls' that haven't been caught"

"so just turn around, and forgot what you saw."


Hey Beauties!  Hope you like it! Please remember to vote and comment, it would mean a lot.

This one is dedicated to: AvaWitherspoon :)




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¦Dedication! :)¦   •~° I don't know what kinda face that is BUT WHATEVER! I love you guys and Yu Rawwk!

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