Tuesday Critiques, Harry & Jewelry. Chapter 22

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Zayn's P.O.V.

What was I to do? Everything was so hectic! My two days were up - it was now Tuesday. There was no telling when the critique would be showing up, or who he'd be, but we were very well on the look out for anyone that looked the part. I mean, how hard could it be to suss out a critique? I'd imagine their attire to be formal-wear; a buttoned up blazer over a neatly ironed white dress-shirt, dress pants with a black belt around the waist, formal work shoes. That sounds critique-like, right?

"Harry, when do you think he'll be here?" I asked as I walked into the enclosed kitchen.

"I don't know, Zayn. But you should really calm down. You're going to be the waiter tonight, don't screw up." His voice was stern as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"Me? Screwing up? Since when?" I teased, a hint of offence in my voice.

"Just calm down, Zayn - last thing we need right now is you to be freaking out. Take deep breaths." I listened to Harry and began breathing in deeply, then releasing it. Though it didn't help in the least bit.

"I need to go check on my other staff!" I raced out of the kitchen before Harry could object. I walked over to Walter, the restaurant's cleaning man. He kept the floors clean and helped with the dishes.

"Walter, how are you?" I asked as I entered the Men's bathroom.

"Trying to clean this bathroom, what do other men do in here?" He scrunched up his nose, shaking his head with his hand holding onto the mop.

"So...does that mean you're okay, or hating your job?" My voice trailed off.

"Both." He shrugged. Does he want to get fired?

"Well, please make sure you have the floors out there too." I pointed my head towards the bathroom door.

He smiled and gave a nod. I left the bathroom and walked up the cashier. "Everything okay?" I asked casually.

"Third time you've asked me that question tonight," he said. "The question is - are you okay?"

Fixing my tie around my neck, I spoke: "I'm fine, just a little on edge about this critique. This is such a big deal, how can I not be on edge about it? Apparently I can easily screw this up for myself." I shook my head and sighed.

"Zayn, Zayn, I get it. You're nervous about things going wrong and possibly screwing your business for good. But, Zayn, remember God." His words held more meaning in his voice, his eyes held confidence, and his posture held faith. All in one.

"Thanks, Jack, I really needed to hear that. I mean, you're right, what's the worst that could happen?" I chuckled.

"Now, calm down, and have a drink-"

"I don't drink, you know this!" I scold him.

"A drink of koolaid," he said, smiling and pouring a cup of koolaid. "Here." He handed it to me.

"Thanks." I laughed.

After re-entering the kitchen, I turned to the window, pushing it open just a little. I was watching for customers since we were just opening. I watched as Walter flipped the "closed" sign over to the "open" sign.

A few moments later, I watched as customers began to pile in. Jeff (my employee, waiter) walked people to their tables, and once it had gotten too crowded in the little place, I went out to help him with the seating and orders.

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