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Ryan POV

Mccoy pulled in to the school parking lot behind Derrick. I caught a glimpse of my friends as they watched Mccoy drive by.

I stared straight as I still wasn't talking to them. We got out, and I watched as he gave his hellos to Derrick and Myles.

Tyla: come on girl." she smiled. Smiling back, I grabbed my bag over my shoulder and began walking behind Ty.

Mccoy: aye girl." he called. I turned and watched as he came over. I could tell by his face that he was about to kiss me.

My heart raced, as I knew my friends were watching. I had never had PDA before, and I also didn't want my friends..or Maurice to see. He leaned down and kissed me softly making my ears ring.

Stepping back he bit his lip as I let out a nervous smile. I didn't want to embarrass him, but I ended up shooting myself in the foot. I couldn't even look over at my friends, as I felt their stares in my back like daggers.

I walked into class and waved Tyla goodbye and took my seat. My girls came in behind me and I watched as they paid me no mind while sitting around me.

The boys came in behind me, and I swear it was like they all were mad at me. They took there seats as well and we sat in the awkward tension as we waited for Mrs. Clover.

I bit my lip as I looked over at Diana, who was the only one talking to me.

She smiled small and mouthed "are you okay?" to me. I nodded slowly as Mrs Clover came in.

Mrs. Clover: alright you guys, today is group work, so you guys will be working amongst yourselves so turn to your peers and get to work. Chapter 48 today." she called.

I rolled my eyes in defeat as I could feel the tension. Turning around slowly in my seat, I watched as they all got together.

Senia:..so the first page, anyone want to read?" she said looking around. We looked amongst ourselves and I smiled a little as we all didn't want to read. My phone buzzed and I smiled as Mccoy's name popped up. Grabbing my phone I opened it up.

Mccoy: yo lips was super soft this morning." he said, making me blush.

Mccoy: I wish I kissed you longer, I will tonight at our date."  he double texted. I was about to text back when Senia cleared her throat.

Senia: Ryan, can you work with us instead of texting Mccoy." she snapped as they all looked at me. My ears ringed as they all glared at me. Putting my phone down, I grabbed my pencil and looked down at my notebook.

Me:..sorry." I mumbled. Maurice rolled his eyes and started reading. The whole time he read I kept my head down.

   I doodled with my pencil until the bell rang. I watched as they all got up quickly and left me behind as they left class. Diana was the only one still there as I turned my seat around.

Diana: don't worry about it okay?" she said. I smiled small as she hugged me and she too left me alone. Sighing I packed up and smiled as Mccoy was at the doorway.

Mccoy: took you a little minute princess." he cooed.

I smiled and handed him my books as we walked to my next class. He handed me back my books as we got to my second class, kissing my cheek as Maurice glared at him with pure anger.

Lori waved at me fakely, as I walked by them. I shook my head back at her and took my seat. As class went on, I prayed for time to speed up.

Thankfully, it did. The bell rang and this time I beat Maurice too the door. I walked back over to the first building and put my books inside my locker.

Diana: Ry, you coming with us today, it's your turn to pick where we go." she said sweetly as the girls came up behind her.

Me: I-."

Senia: Nah she's going with Mccoy Diana." she snapped. I closed my mouth as she glared at me before pulling Diana away.

Diana: maybe tomorrow?" she called as Senia pulled her.

Me:..ye-yea yeah tomorrow." I mumbled as she disappeared. I bit back my tears and took a few breaths before Mccoy found me.

Mccoy: let's go to Chick Fil A." he said wrapping his arms around me. I faked a smile and held his hand ot his car.

Maurice POV

I watched in pure disgust as he helped her in the car. He caught my glimpse and smirked at me as he hopped in.

Senia: I can't believe her." she spit.

Jania: let her be Senia, maybe she is right about him." she defended.

China: oh here you go now." she said throwing her hands up.

Jania: what? She said she's happy. What are we gonna do, force her to chose between us and Mccoy?" she snapped.

Dion: she already has, she hasn't come to lunch with us in about two weeks. She already chose him."

Me: facts."

Jania: maybe because all we do when she comes around, is talk bad about Mccoy. That's her boyfriend for crying out loud, why would she want to be around people who bash him?"

Ace: no one bashes the nigga." he spit.

Senia: yea we don't bash him, we told her how we felt."

Jania: well clearly all we've done is push her towards him. They are going on a date tonight." she said. I snapped my look at Dion and he nodded his head slowly. Gritting my teeth hard, I swear I scraped a tooth on another.

Me: fuck talking bout them ight?" I spit.

Me: Y'all did what y'all could, she wanna do her thing let her. Fuck it." I growled.

Lori: exactly, we need to be talking about my party coming up in a few days!" she smiled.

Me: we sho do, there are more important people and things for us to be talking about." I sileneced. The girls nodded and got into their cars.

Dion: you good bro.." he said coming to me.

Me: yep." I lied. I was infuriated with what I just heard.

Dion: get it together." he mumbled to me. I nodded slowly and hopped in the car with Lori, driving off.

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