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Maurice POV

I gritted my teeth as I glared at Mccoy and Derrick. PC slammed his office door as we all sat across from each other. Coming to his desk, he sat down and leaned on his dresser. Looking at all of us, he shook his head before sitting back.

PC: you boys you want to tell me why in the hell you guys fighting. AGAIN." he yelled.

Mccoy: ask playboy who came at me in the locker-."

Me: nigga you know why the fuck I came at you."

PC: boys-."

Derrick: oh for miss Ryan, because she got her ass beat by my girl." he laughed.

Dion: ass beat please, I am very positive that Ryan dragged that bitch-."

Derrick: yeah aight I can have her give yo bitch the same treatment-."

Dion: oh I foe sho wanna see that." he snapped getting up. Derrick got to his feet and crossed the room as Principal C stepped infront of them.

PC; ENOUGH." he yelled, pushing them apart. I grabbed Dion's shirt, sitting him down as I glared at Mccoy.

PC: Now, I don't know what the hell is going on with you boys this year. To have my top boys basketball team and football team in my office? For fighting? Yet again, is ridiculous." he snapped.

PC: and may I ask what the hell you boys were fighting over?" he snapped, folding his arms.

Me: disrespect." I spit.

PC: disrespect?" he frowned.

Ace: yeah playboy over touching people he ain't supposed to." he spit.

Derrick smirked as him and Mccoy started laughing.

PC: does this have anything to do with Ms. Girard and Ms. Munez's altercation two weeks ago?" he sighed frustrated.

Our unspoken silence gave him the answer he needed. Walking back around his desk, he slammed papers on top of papers.

The door opened and I sighed in defeat as Coach Stargell and Coach Thomas walked in. They folded there arms as he looked at all of us.

Coach Stargell was our coach and I could already tell he was going to be in our asses.

Coach Stargell: I want you idiots to know, that you dented 5 lockers and broke a shower hall curtain." he snapped as he looked at us.

Coach Stargell: what I want to know is, what the hell were you thinking?" he finished.

Coach Thomas: nothing at all it seems." he said. Coach Stargell looked over at him as he glared at us.

Coach Stargell and Coach Thomas had there own small beef going on, Coach Thomas never liked Stargell because he got the head coaching spot this year and last.

Coach Stargell: what's the punishment Clover." he said. PC sat back and folded his hands as he looked at us.

PC: 5 Days Suspension, OSS." he aired. Coach Stargell nodded and stood in the middle of us.

Coach Stargell: No practice as well for my boys." he said turning us.

Dion: No practice? Coach we can't miss practice." he said standing up.

Coach: you should have thought about that before you guys got into another physical altercation over girls." he said angrily. How did he know?

PC: I gave you guys ALL a warning at the beginning of the school year, I did not suspend any of you, nor did I tell your parents. But since you guys insisted on continuing this behavior, it seems as though I should have did that in the first place." he snapped picking up the phone. We watched as he read through a call log, and I knew exactly who he was calling.

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