Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun

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Ryan POV

First period was awkward, because it had spread around that Reese and I kissed. The girls had my back, and the boys did to, but they stayed mostly with Reese.

Reese acted like I didn't exist, he was really going through with cutting me off. As much as I wanted to talk to him, I let him cut me off.

I walked alone to second period, and sat away from Lori and Reese. Lori leaned up and gave me a big smile and a wave. I frowned and waved at her back.

I guess she was the only one who didn't know. Mr. Johnson closed the door and stood infront of the class.

Mr. Johnson: today we will be pairing in twos to do the class assignments." he said.

Mr. Johnson: pick your partners smartly, please. This assignment is due by the end of class." he said.

I looked around as everyone got up and grabbed their partners.

Lori: Ryan!" she said coming over to me. I forced a smile as she stood over me

Lori: you my partner." she said.

Me: what about Reese." I laughed.

Lori: oh girl, we both know he doesn't do any work." she said, rolling her eyes. I laughed and stood up.

Me: okay fine." I said. We walked up to the front and grabbed two seperate sheets off the desk.

Lori: Mr. J, can me and Ryan work in the hallway." she asked. He nodded his head and she thanked him.

Me: I'll meet you out there, let me get my bookbag." I said.

Lori: okay." she said going out. I went back to my desk and grabbed my bookbag. I avoided Reese's stare as I left the class and closed the door. Lori was at the exit and I frowned as she went outside.

Me: girl the hallway, not outside." I laughed following her.

Lori: I do as I please." she said a little snarky. I laughed and followed her to the picnic tables. Sitting down across from her I grabbed a pencil out my bag.

Me: okay so what question do you want to answer first?" I said looking at the packet.

Lori: oo lets answer this one." she said reading the paper.

Lori: how was it kissing my boyfriend?" she smirked. My smile went away and I looked up at her as she glared at me.

Lori: oh yea, he told me. He told me how you practically forced yourself onto him." she slicked.

Forced myself?

Me: I did not-."

Lori: oh spare me your explanation Ryan. I don't care for your apology or your side of the story." she snapped.

Lori: I am just baffled about how you sat in my face that morning and acted like everything was cool." she said, folding her arms. I sighed because she was right.

Lori: you crossed me and I don't do well when I'm crossed." she said, bending down reaching in her bag.

Me: Lori look, I'm sorry okay? It was impulsive and it should've never happened. If it makes you feel any better, me and Reese don't speak anymore and probably won't for the rest of the year." I said she placed a yellow envelope on the table.

Lori: oh he told me he cut you off. That doesn't matter, you see Maurice is very understanding and easily manipulated when he cares for someone, I can tell he cares for you. For now he might be ignoring you, but he'll eventually come around and I can't have that."

Ryan JanaeWhere stories live. Discover now