The Sundress ☀️

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Ryan POV

The next morning was a bit awkward, we got dress in silence. Really more like I wasn't talking to anyone. Everything yesterday just seemed so draining and I didn't even want to go out today.

But, today we were vising the the White House, and that big pencil like statue in the middle of the field.

We were supposed to walk around today,taking pictures and everything but after that the rest of the day was ours to spend it how we liked.

I took a shower after Nia did, quickly because we didn't have much time. Today I decided to slick my hair into a pretty bun, just so it would be out of my way in the sun today.

       Going back into the room, I grabbed my yellow sundress and my plain black sandals as I made sure to rub the wrinkles out of it.

Senia: you look really pretty." she said to me.

   I smiled small, as I turned and placed my small gold hoops into my ears.

Going into the bathroom, I checked my face as Senia came in next to me. I watched as she put some light make up on her face, intrigued as she did so. want some?" she said as she saw me watching.

Me: no no." I said fanning her off.

      She nodded as she began to put some mascara on her eyelashes. They went from dull to volume and I immediately noticed the difference.

Me:..okay some of that." I smiled.

  She smiled back at me before dipping the stick back into her mascara jar. She pulled it out and brought it close to my eye as I watched her.

Senia: look up." she motioned.

  I looked up carefully as she painted my eyelashes perfectly. Looking in the mirror I smiled as my eyes looked prettier.

Me: thanks Senia." I mumbled as she cleaned up her makeup station.

      We left the bathroom while I grabbed my phone, lipgloss, wallet and my portable charger. Looking down at my dressed. I realized none of the bags I brought really matched.

Me: dammit it." I sighed.

Senia: here put them in my bag." she offered.

   I smiled and placed everything but my phone in her bag.

Zipping it up, she put it on her shoulder as I sprayed some more vanilla perfume and lotion on my body.

   Rubbing it in, I turned off my lamp and cleaned up my suitcase before following Senia out into the hallway.

Jania: the boys are done in the lobby waiting on us." she said.

   I felt awkward butterflies as I thought about seeing Maurice again. It was like square one with him all over again, only this time he was technically my boyfriend.

Shaking my thoughts away, I got onto the elevator as Nique pressed the lobby floor.

Me: you guys all look really pretty." I said breaking the awkward ice. China smiled at me while Diana turned around.

Diana: thank you, however you in this yellow sundress is to die for." she said.

I smiled big as the elevator doors opened. Coming off the elevator I had almost forgotten just how beautiful this lobby was.

China: where they hell are they?" she said as we looked around.

I scanned the lobby carefully, stopping as I made eye contact with Maurice. He was starring at me, adoringly as I nervously shuffled my feet.

Ryan JanaeWhere stories live. Discover now