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Maurice POV

There was a knock on Senia's door, as the rest of our friends came over. It was the next morning, and I had watched Ryan stared at the wall all night. The girls went upstairs as my boys came in and closed the door.

Ace:..Reggie got us breakfast from Krisy Kreme." he said as Reggie came to the door with two boxes of doughnuts. I nodded and let Reggie in. Grabbing one box, we walked to the kitchen and placed the food down.

Ace: you need to see this.." he said holding his phone out. He showed me Mccoy's store, and it was Ryan sliding down the slide. She looked so innocent as she came down the slide and I watched as he zoomed in on her body. She had no clue..

Ace: what happened." he snarled as I gave him his phone back.

Me: I don't know, Ryan has been staring at the wall all night. Dion tried to get her to talk, I tried and Senia tried. She won't budge." I said. I looked down at the counter and gritted my teeth as I got angry again.

Dion came down into the kitchen and leaned on Senia's counter.

Dion: the girls are gonna try and force what happened to her out..if y'all trying to be there."

Jordan: hell yeah." he said as we stormed upstairs.

Senia POV

She sat in the corner of my room as the rest of the girls came in. We sat around her quietly as she looked at me finally.

Me: Ryan, could you please tell us what happened." I said as I saw Dion and the boys standing in the doorway. We were skipping school, and to be honest it was worth it. Ryan needed us.

China:..just tell us what you remember." she said, earning a glare from Ryan.

Ryan: what I remember?!" she snapped.

Ryan: I remember everything!" she said as her eyes glossed over.

Ryan: I remember..everything." she said, hugging her knees to her chest.

Nique:..okay just..tell us okay." she pushed a little more. Ryan shook her head and turned away from us as her big curls covered her face.

Me: Ryan." I said turning her to us.

Me: please." I begged. She looked me in the eyes before looking down at her feet.

Ryan..we were at the movies, having fun. Everything seemed..normal. The movie was good and we walked back to the car and he kissed me sweetly..and told me he wanted to show me something."

Ryan: So, I got in the car and he drove to this was so dark, I couldn't see anything and when we parked h..he kissed me again and told me to get out." she said.

Ryan: he went down the slide first and I held his phone and shined the light on him as he went down. He then told me to go I did and I slid down." she mumbled.

China:..on the slide, you looked happy." she said. Ryan frowned at her comment as I glared at China.

Me: china. She hasn't seen it." I snapped. China covered her mouth and looked at Ryan. what?" she panicked.

Me:..Theres a video of you going down the slide on Mccoy's story..he was zooming in on your lips and your body as you went down the slide.." I said. Her tears went over her face as she shook her head.

Ryan: he forced himself on me.." she sobbed.

Ryan: he threw on a table and I begged him to stop, I begged and I begged and he just kept going! He tore my clothes off and he pinned my hands above my head with his belt.." she sobbed. I covered my mouth as she cried her hardest.

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