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Ryan POV

I placed the cold patch on her forehead as she sweated immensely. She was shaking as she hygged herself, in hopes to keep her warm.

Senia: it's s-so cold R-Ryan." she shivered. I rubbed her hair out of her face, and felt how hot her skin was. She was cold, but she was on fire, she had the shivers and had thrown up almost all the fluids we had given her.

Senia: i-is Dion coming?" she shivered. I sighed as I rubbed her cheek.

Me: yeah he should be coming soon." I smiled. She smiled and closed her eyes as I looked at my phone.

Ever since Dion stormed out the other day, being around Senia for him was hard. He barely came into the room, and barely helped physically take care of her. He told me and the girls how to take care of her, but he wouldn't do it himself.

Senia: y-you don't have to lie." she said snapping my head in her direction.

Senia: I-I know he's n-not coming." she breathed. I sighed as her eyes turned red.

Me: he has been telling us how to take care of you, and what to give you and he has checked on you numerous times." I said.

Me: he still cares." I promised. She smiled small as another heat flash went through her body.

Senia: he is g-going to leave me when I get better." she mumbled.

Me: Nia don't say that, you don't know that and I doubt he is going to leave you."

Senia: oh yeah?"

Me: yeah." I said rubbing her sweat away.

Senia: he looked at me like he was disgusted..he has never looked at me like that. He j-just doesn't understand." she mumbled. I looked down at her, as she closed her eyes.

Me: doesn't understand?" I repeated.

Senia: Yeah none of you do." she mumbled.

Me: what is there to understand Senia?" I snapped a little. She opened her eyes as she looked up at me.

Me: you lied to us, you made it seem like it was band aid covering a cat scratch." I said fimly.

Me: he watched you OD, Senia do you know how scary that is?" I snapped.

Me: Do you know how unfair that is?" I said as China came into the room.

Me: I mean you could have avoided all of this, instead you chose to be high and you chose to overdose on us and you expect him to be here?" I snapped.

China: Ryan I think you should take a break." she said softly.

Me: he isn't here because you chose pills over him, over me, over the girls, over the boys and your parents!" I yelled.

Shaking my head at her silence, I put her wet cloth back in the cold ice bucket before storming out of her room. China followed me and closed the door as I stomped down Dion's stairs.

China: hey!" she yelled, making me stop.

China: what is wrong with you?" she snapped.

Me: wrong with me? Nothing-."

China: you can't talk to her like that, not right now-."

Me: then when! When do we tell her how selfish she was for doing what she did. She lied to all of us-."

China: I'm sorry didn't you lie to all of us at one point?!" she yelled, quieting me.

China: You lied to all of us, and not one time did she go off on you!" she yelled.

Ryan JanaeWhere stories live. Discover now