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Ryan POV

The next morning I woke up still thinking about the kiss. It was amazing, I had never felt so...on fire before.


It was wrong, he had Lori and I was working something out with Mccoy. It wasn't right and it was selfish of us to do what we did.

I went to the bathroom where Senia was, she gave me an odd smile through the mirror as I grabbed my toothbrush. She eyed me as I brushed my teeth.

Me: yes Seniaa." I dragged as I rinsed my mouth. She closed the bathroom door and came over to me.

Senia: you kissed Reese?" she said, making me almost gag.

Me: how the fuck did you know!" I whispered.

Senia: Dion told me!" she said, slapping my arm. I felt my cheeks get rosey hot and slapped my face.

Me: everyone knows don't they?"

Senia: no..Dion only knows...because he stood by the door to make sure no one came in.." she said. I frowned and looked up at her.

Me: what.."

Senia: he was about to walk in on y'all and he saw you guys. So he stood by the door to make sure no one else came in.." she said.

Me: this is so embarrassing..." I poured.

Senia: why?"

Me: because I shouldn't have done that." I said turning to wash my face.

Senia:...honestly, I think everyone knows the kind of chemistry y'all share. It was only a matter of time before you guys clicked.." she said as I scrubbed my face.

Senia: what happened.."

Me: he found me-."

senia: you ain't tell him where to look did you." she frowned.

Me: no no! I swear he found me on his own, and I asked him what he wanted me to do and he straight up said "Kiss me."

Senia: oop."

Me: At first I thought he was joking, but then he cornered me and he got all close in my face.." I said.

I sighed as I washed my face and dried it.

Me: I don't even wanna go downstairs.." I mumbled.

Senia: only the four of us know about it okay? Don't make shit awkward. Lori's chef made breakfast.."


I nodded my head and followed her downstairs. The first person I saw was Reese. He was sitting on the couch talking to the boys, their entire conversation died down as I came into view.

Reese looked away from me, like he was upset with me. Rolling my eyes I walked into the kitchen and grabbed me a plate. I looked at the long row of food that was prepared.

Lori: make sure you wash your hands please." she said next to me.

Me: right."

I placed my plate down and went to her sink washing my hands. I felt his eyes burning into me and I glanced up to see him and Dion looking at me. Sighing, I dried my hands and turned to grab my plate.

Walking down the many food choices, I ended up with only eggs and bacon on my plate. I grabbed a water bottle off the counter and sat away from Reese.

Lori: so let's talk." she said sitting next to me. I frowned as she sat down and pulled the chair up. This time seemed so genuine. Like she was trying to be my friend..

Ryan JanaeWhere stories live. Discover now