Rally and Relation

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Ryan POV

Mr. Oliver: can anyone tell me their answers from the homework last night?" he said. I sighed as I carefully placed my hand on the desk.

Mr. Oliver: no one?" he said.

Mr. Oliver: someone needs to answer, or no ones going to the pep rally." he frowned. I raised my hand as everyone sucked their teeth. Sighing, I opened my binder and found my notes with the answers.

Me: A,C,B,A." I said with an attitude. He looked over at me and nodded his head.

Mr. Oliver: thanks you Ms. Girard." he said, going back to his desk. He glanced at the clock above the wall and closed his textbook.

Mr. Oliver: make sure you guys pack your bags, like them up on the wall before you head to the gym." he said.


I zipped up my bookbag and placed it with the others as we waited for the bell for the pep rally to ring. I grabbed my phone and played with the holes in my jeans as the bell finally rang. I waited at the door as everyone ran to the gym.

Slipping in the crowd, I walked into the noisy gym and looked for the girls. I saw Jania and Diana as they saved some seats. Going over, I jumped up the stairs and slid by until I took my seat next to them. I waved Jania and Nique over as they entered the gym.

China was the last one and she spotted us as soon as she came inside.

Me: wheres Senia?" I frowned as the doors closed.

Nique: Senias a cheerleader." she smiled. I raised my eyebrows as I found out the new fact. I had no idea Senia was a cheerleader.

Me: so what is this pep rally for?" I said as we all seated together.

Nique: it's the kickoff for spring sports."

Me: kickoff?"

Nique: yea every year we get hype for the basketball and football teams and other sports." she said. I nodded as Principal Clover came to the podium.

Principal Clover: quiet down, quiet down." he said loudly into the mic. He shushed the crowd and it became completely quiet.

Principal Clover: Our annual sports kick off is nothing new." he smiled.

Principal Clover: this season, we start this season off on a good streak from last year!" he said as people applauded.

Principal Clover: our 3 time undefeated Boys Basketball team and our defending champs for almost a year now. Our Boys Football!" he called. I smiled as the boys came out as people in the audience whistled and cheered.

      Maurice looked yummy as he sported his football jersey.

We hadn't talked much about his football, but he must've been one of the favorites because everyone cheered for Dion, Ace and Reese, Jordan and Reggie as they sat up front.

The boys basketball team came out next and I laughed as they didn't get as much cheers as the football team.

    Mccoy, Myles, Jay, and Derrick walked out and sat across from the boys. We cheered as Splain, Marcus, and Davone sat on the front row of the boys basketball team.

I cheered for the other sports teams as they came out and took their seats up front.

      I gave them props though, highschool was hard enough with homework. Having to do sports and homework was like juggling.

Principal Clover: as we all know we are looking forward to a great year, both in school and on the field and court." he said turning to the boys.

Principal Clover: I know this is a sports rally, but there are educational pieces you guys need to know." he said, earning a groan from the crowd.

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