"Actions Speak Louder Then Words"

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Ryan POV

Mrs. Clover: please make sure you guys study." she called as we sat there.

Today and for the remainder of the week, the school was having what's called block period. With finals being around the corner we weren't having regular classes anymore. Today's block period was Mrs. Clover's class and after lunch, Mr. Johnson's class.

I liked days like these, because it gave you a sense of a short day.

Ace: do we have to study here?" he asked.

Mrs. Clover: Yes."

Ace: oh come on Mrs. C, last year you let us study around the school."

Mrs. Clover: last year half of my class were not redmarked students." she sassed. I frowned at the term as the boys laughed.

Maurice: we are redmarked for fighting, not studying." he laughed. The boys laughed with him as she glared at them.

Senia: Mrs. C, please." she said.

Senia: we will keep them in line." she said. Mrs. C gave her a wavering eye before giving in.

Mrs. C:..if I hear an inkling-."

Senia: we promise you won't." she swore. Looking down at her desk she waved us on as we cheered.

Grabbing my stuff, I felt as Maurice grabbed my bookbag for me and headed out the door with the boys.

Even though I agreed to stay with him, he was very distant to me. He was being subtle around me, almost as if he was walking on ice trying not to break it.

Sighing I grabbed my phone and headed into the hallway as the boys headed out to the back picnic tables.

Me: you guys." I called pulling China back. They frowned and stopped in the hallway with me.

Senia: what?" she asked.

Me: I might be looking to much into it, but Maurice is acting distant to me." I mumbled. They looked between each other, sharing a look as I frowned this time.

Me: what?" I said folding my arms.

Senia:..well, he told Dion that he wasn't sure how you felt about him anymore."

China:.and he told Jordan that he was just going to give you some space until you warmed up to him a bit." she said as I dropped my arms.

Diana: and Ace said after they left Senia's house after you guys ordeal, he shut down for the rest of the night." she said.

I sighed as my heart hurt for him. I know he was giving himself a lot of heat for how he treated me, but I forgave him and he needed to forgive himself.

Turning on my heel, I headed out for the field as the girls kept up with me. I could see the boys sitting ontop of the table reading the study guide as Maurice sat on the bench, facing away from it.

He was looking at the empty field as the boys gave him some space. We caught up to them as they teased us for taking to long. I did not pay attention to there senseless jokes as I looked over at Maurice.

His curls hung over his face as he twisted the chain I got him around his neck. He laid his hands back on the table as he winded his legs. I felt a nudge on my cheek as I looked at Dion.

Dion:..he not mad at you." he said as I fiddled my fingers.

Ace: go." he said. I tucked my hair behind ear as I walked around them. Coming around the picnic table he looked up at me and smiled small.

The tension between us was thick, you could cut it with a plastic knife. Rubbing my thumb over my knuckles I stared at my best friend as we for once had nothing to say to each other. It was awkward and it was uncomfortable, the tension between us I just wanted to forget.

Ryan JanaeWhere stories live. Discover now