Chapter 3, Home Sweet Home

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The next few chapters are mainly fillers, but they're needed, I promise! 




After listening to Louis' story, I decide that it's okay for us to just take him back to his house. I know that on the drive there I will have to talk to him, to make sure he doesn't tell anyone about what happened tonight. As Zayn and Liam try to distract Louis from crying, I call Niall. After three rings, he picks up. "Hey Boss, whatcha need?" "Niall I need you to come back to where you dropped us off, we've got a situation, I'll explain it some other time." "Alrighty Big man, do I bring the van?" Niall sounds like he's moving around a lot, or he's got the T.V up too loud again. "No, bring something that blends in more, but can hold us, plus one." Of course, Niall can't just let it end there. After about six seconds of Niall's taunting, I hang up. Liam looks at me, so I say "Niall's on his way, it'll be about ten minutes."

By now, Zayn's taken off his jacket and handed it to Louis, which makes me feel.... Angry? I don't know, but I feel something. We stand in silence until a Range Rover pulls up next to us and Niall's head pops out of the window. "Uber for Sexy Styles?" Niall says with a cackle. I give him a bored look and open the back door. Louis gets in, followed by Zayn and Liam. I walk around the back of the SUV and climb into the passenger side. Zayn whispers something to Louis, who in return whispers something back. "He lives at 3Eleven, H." Woah, Louis, your job must leave you well off. Niall pulls away from the curb, and we sit in silence with the radio down low for a little over half the drive. When I turn to look into the back seat, Liam and Zayn are whispering to each other, and Louis got his head pressed against the window. I clear my throat, which makes him jump, and makes Liam stop his conversation with Zee.

"Louis, before we drop you off at your Apartment, I need you to know something. You cannot tell anyone about what I did. If I find out you've told anyone, I will find you." He still looks shaken up still, but I know it's important to get the message across, so I lean in a bit more and say "I know where you live, and it would not be hard to find out anything else about you." He looks shocked, until he seems to snap out of it and nods his head.


As Harry is calling someone, Zayn hands me his jacket, which I put on, to look less suspicious of course, not because the 2 AM wind is nipping at my arms. When Harry hangs up, he turns back towards us, so I look down, not wanting him to think I was staring. When I look back up, he's got a thunderous look on his face. Is that jealousy? Are you jealous that it wasn't you who'd given up your jacket? It's a shame I didn't meet you somewhere else, Harry. I think I could've had fun with you, in the best way, of course. After sitting in silence for god knows how long, a black SUV pulls up. Whoever they called must have money, because this car is easily ninety-thousand dollars, and it looks brand new. Harry, who's avoided us since seeing me in Zayn's jacket, earns brownie points by opening the rear door for us. I climb in, sensing that neither Zayn or Liam are making a move to do so, and they follow behind. Harry disappears and comes back around and opens the passenger door, and climbs in. I will not admit how hot he looks lit up by the lights on the dash. I will say that the shitty lighting in the alleyway does not do him any justice.

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