Chapter 53, Nothing To Hide?

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Care for a Saturday update? Enjoy! Gold star any mistakes you find pls!



Harry wakes up before Louis, only sleeping a few hours before being woken up by Cliffords cold snout on his leg followed by incessant whining. He lifts his head to see that Louis is still sleeping, but has rolled over in his sleep, making it a bit easier to get out of bed and tend to the dog's needs. He decides to scoop up the cat that's curled up in one of Louis' laundry baskets and take her with them, knowing that it wouldn't be too long before Princess needs fresh air too. Harry walks down the dark hallway, not bothering to turn a light on until he gets to the stairs, walking down them with a labradoodle in tow. When he gets to the kitchen, he realizes that he doesn't know where Louis keeps their food, so he just decides to let them outside and deal with it later since Clifford clearly has to use the bathroom now and the cat in his arms looks like she's three seconds away from clawing his eyes out.

He slides the glass door closed behind both animals, watching them for a second before stretching and looking at the clock in the kitchen and reading that it's almost seven. He decides to make breakfast as an apology, thinking that the books were too much, so he pries open the fridge door and pulls out a carton of eggs and a pack of bacon, getting started on what he hopes can be a very forgiving meal. While he tries not to burn himself, Louis is upstairs slowly waking up from another long nap. He rolls over to the empty side of the bed, and it takes him a minute to realize that something is off. His bed isn't cold, and the sheets are bunched up, making his position uncomfortable. He sits up, realizing upon inspection that the pillow under his head doesn't match the bed set that he knows he put on there. It clicks then, Harry was here. Louis looks to the bathroom door, seeing that it's open and unlit, so he knows who he's looking for isn't in there.

 Looking at the bathroom alerts his bladder so he quickly hops out of bed and relieves himself. After doing his business, he grabs a robe from the back of the bathroom door, one that covers something. He doesn't need a repeat of the last time he wore a robe downstairs, the memory of meeting Harry's mom while practically naked still fresh in his memory. The thought makes him wince as he exits the bathroom to go look for Harry, but first he knows he needs to tend to his children. When he finds his bedroom empty, he walks over to the feeding schedule on the lid of the kibble container and rolls his eyes when he sees that neither Princess nor Cliff have been fed yet. He figures Harry let them out, which causes another eyeroll. Stupid man. Let them out before feeding them. "He's picking up the poop, not me." he mutters to himself as he pads down the hallway.


I walk down the hallway, listening for Harry's voice, while also thinking about last night. I can't help but feel guilty for freaking out, for not trusting Harry, but I've gone so long without trusting anyone that questioning everything I come across is basically instinct now. I guess that's why, when I find him, I already have something I need to reassure myself with. I lean against the entrance to the kitchen and watch the tall man move around, switching from the oven to the fridge to the counter space between the two with grace. I don't know how he does it, manages to look absolutely gorgeous while doing mundane tasks. All the man is doing is cooking for Christ's sake, but here I am ready to put my mouth on any part of him that he would allow. Why is it so hot? All he's doing is whisking, stop being a perv, the voice in my head says. I'm brought out of my internal battle when I see that Harry is turning around to grab something from the island, and before I can duck for cover, he spots me. He stops what he's doing, raising an unimpressed brow before smiling and resuming his task as he says, "Good morning Dove, enjoying the show?"

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