Chapter 26, You Let Me Complicate You ⚠

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Okay, fair warning, this chapter does contain smut. I spent hours on this chapter, and the word count is three times what it usually is. Enjoy!!! 


Louis' eyes go wide as he takes in what's written, pausing to gasp when he sees the full extent of Ed's research. Just at the top of the paper is the location of Damiens old house, and the private lakehouse that he owns currently under the alias Mark Turner. He copies the information down into his own notebook as he reads it, repeatedly getting surprised by how much Ed was able to dig up. The excitement and anger builds itself into something vengeful, and as soon as he is finished copying, he immediately starts to plan. He writes down a loose summary of what he wants, yawning into his fist a few times in between words before finally giving in and getting ready for bed, tucking the notebook and paper into the drawer of the nightstand before putting the backpack under his bed and laying down fully. He lays in bed for ten minutes, trying to get some sleep but his mind decides otherwise. He sits back up, grabbing his pack of cigarettes and his lighter before heading out to the balcony connected to his room. The first few nights he had stayed here, he didn't think much of the long curtains that cover the door, but after another late night smoking session with Zayn, he had revealed that there's a balcony that connects to both Zayn's room and Louis, and that he didn't have to walk all the way downstairs to smoke. He steps out onto the windy balcony, not surprised when he sees it's empty. He lights up a cigarette, taking a much needed drag from it while his eyes fall onto the swaying trees in the backyard.

He listens to the sound of the rustling leaves, letting the noise comfort him while he smokes. His mind is full of wicked thoughts, but it stops on one, and takes its seat at the thought of Harry. Harry who has comforted Louis when he'd fallen asleep in the living room and woken up screaming, Harry who had made him tea afterwards and not asked any questions even though Louis knew he was itching to. Harry who potentially saved his and Oli's life. Harry who put him in danger, and didn't bother to tell him in the two weeks that he probably knew about it. He ignores the parts of his brain telling him that it sounds worse than it is, and listens to the familiar raging part that tells him that Harry has ulterior motives. He scowls at the thought, taking another drag as he goes over the situation in his head. He knows he's not really mad at Harry, and if he was he would have to be mad at everyone else too, because Niall had told him that everyone in the house but him had known about C18 looking for him. He wasn't mad at Harry, but the thought of being near Harry after the heartfelt conversation they had in the car sounded revolting. Harry had to be pushed away, and being angry at him was one way Louis was sure would work. He just had to keep his distance and keep up his angry act, and soon enough Harry will get tired of him and force him out. In the meantime, Louis would use the resources he's been handed to plan his revenge, killing everyone who was involved in the years of hell he was put through. And this time? He's going to make sure that whoever he kills, stays dead.



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