Chapter 37, Possibilities Of An Impossible Existence

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Helloooo, Wednesday update, kind of a filler chapter but hopefully a good one?



After catching up with the boy's foster mom, Stephanie, we both decide that now is a good time for cake and ice cream. I grab the hefty cake, which I know is entirely too large for five people, but I know that Stephanie just wants to make sure Luca feels loved, so she tends to do things like this. I follow her into the dining room, setting the cake on the table and helping her set the plates and bowls out for the food. "So, anything new?" I pick up on the tone in her voice that insinuates that she's not talking about business or the boys, but I ignore it and give her something to talk about that doesn't involve Louis or myself. "Niall and his girlfriend split up, and Liam and Zayn have been awfully domestic lately. I feel like I'm going to be buying them a house soon. How about you? Did things work out with Jared? Jeremy?" I hear her snort, replying "His name was Joseph, you idiot. And no, things did not work out. Apparently he doesn't have time for children in his life, even though he already has four. I think it hurt Eli's feelings, but that was a few months ago, judging by what he told me about an hour ago, he's already made a new best friend. The question is, will this one be around for long?" I sigh at her prodding, giving in to her questioning gaze. "It's not up to me, Steph. I hope-" I stop myself from revealing what I'd spent so much time thinking about, replacing my thoughts with "He's safe with us, so until he feels like he has another place or until he no longer feels that way, he's here. It's up to him, it's his choice." When I finish talking, she doesn't respond for a few seconds but I can feel her stare so I busy myself by rearranging the dishes. When I can no longer use this as a distraction, I finally look at her expecting to be met with judging eyes, but to my surprise, her expression holds something soft, and kind.

"I'm not trying to stir something, Harry. I haven't seen you this happy since well, you know. I won't say her name, but even now I can see that you speak about him differently, and it makes me happy that you're happy. Even if it's something that isn't a sure thing, I'm glad you have him. Do the boys like him? I know Zayn is really disconnected from people, and I'd imagine it was hard to get him to agree to move someone else in with the crowd." I smile at the thought of Louis getting along with all of the men, "Actually, I think him and Lou get along well. At least, that's what Liam says. I haven't been around much in the last few weeks, but from what I've seen, they get along well. Him an Niall are a pain in my ass, always pranking someone or fucking with me while I work. Are we ready in here? I'll go get them if you're good to go." When I see her agree, I head back towards the living room to gather the two boys and Louis.


Harry doesn't expect to hear squealing when he walks into the room, but the real shock comes from when he realizes that it's Luca making the noise and not Louis or Eli. The scene in front of him is a foreign one, Louis with kids. Something flutters somewhere inside him, another unfamiliar feeling that he's only gotten a few times in his life, definitely something that has only recently started up again. Luca and Louis are sitting Indian style on the floor, with Louis holding Eli in his lap while he holds a controller in front of them, letting the smaller boy pretend he's doing something major with an extra remote. Eli's giggles are muffled by his own small hand, watching his brother battle against Louis, who is apparently losing. "Get him Boo! He's right in front of you!" A step in the right direction reveals the look of concentration on Louis' face, but it cracks when he hears the noises coming from Luca. He hates to break it up, but he still clears his throat and makes his presence known, "Who wants cake and ice cream?" At the mention of sweets, Eli is already up and off of Louis' lap, stumbling past Harry as he runs to the kitchen and then into the dining room. Harry decides to sit on the couch and watch the two game, laughing when Louis throws his controller down after being defeated by a twelve year old. Luca snorts at the antics, putting his own remote down in favor of picking up the Ipad next to him. A beat later, an automated voice rings out, "Good game, Boo." Harry watches Louis and Luca bump fists, laughing when Louis gets his wallet out and hands him a fifty dollar bill. The boy jumps up from the floor, grabbing his device before he speed walks out of the room, leaving Harry and Louis alone.

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