Chapter 63, The Heart Of The Sun

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Hello! Update day! gold star any mistakes, and I hope you enjoy!



Watching Louis dance with the mystery man made my lungs burn, but making eye contact with him while he let that same man wrap a hand around his throat? My entire body felt like I was under water and lit on fire at the same time. I wanted nothing more than to do what Louis plans on doing, I wanted to kill him. And I probably would have, if I didn't catch the panic in Louis' face as he recognized me. I curse at the LED's that I had installed a few months ago, because the DJ moves them right onto me and into my eye sight, making it hard to see anything below me, meaning that there's a good thirty seconds where I lose sight of Louis.

 When the light moves and I find him again, he looks like he's looking around for a way out, and I know that I've waited too long and that I need to get him, and I need to do it fast. I give him one last look, just to vaguely try to remember where he is, and within seconds I am flying down the steps of the stairwell and rushing down the hallway. I have to dodge a few staff members but soon enough I'm face to face with about 100 people. Some of them either sense my urgency or see it in my face and move, but most people are too drunk to be aware of their surroundings, meaning that I have to physically move them, or loudly exclaim 'Move!'.

My method only works on about sixty people before one man gets brave, and tries to really get in my way. "Hey man, do we have an issue?" He's bigger than me, beefy, but I manage to look around him and see Louis' retreating form go into the hallway that leads to the exit. Fuck. out of nowhere, a crowd seems to form a circle around the large man and I, but I see no staff in sight. I hired people to specifically deal with situations like this, why hasn't this been cleared yet? I decide that I'm going to have to actually deal with this, so I sigh and look at the man in front of me, noticing how smug as he looks down at me. "Are we going to have an issue? Get out of my way." I mock him, but when he seems to puff up even more and when he doesn't budge, I don't waste any time to bring my glock out and flash it to him, practically waving it in his face.

I love the satisfaction that this always gives me, this power. The guy decides very quickly that his life is worth more than his pride, and he does what I asked of him with a very present look of fear on his face. Not smug anymore, are you? Everyone who saw my gun does the same thing, and the others follow behind with ease, practically creating a pathway for me to walk through the crowd. Finally, I make it to the hallway entrance, and then I make it to the exit. When I open the door, I look out and only see four cars including mine, and I recognize them all as the main staff vehicles, meaning that Louis is already long gone in a vehicle that I don't know to look for or chase down. Fuck fuck fucking fuck. I turn around dejectedly and start walking down the hallway, not caring how childish this may look or feel. I pull out my phone to at least try to tell Oli that I couldn't get to him when I stop short. As I pass the suspiciously empty stairwell, I hear something coming from behind the door at the bottom of the steps.

"So...what?" As I start to walk down the stairs, I hear the voice again. "He was young and rowdy, Chuck! He did not deserve what you did to him!" Is that... Is that Louis? I quietly stop at the bottom of the steps and press my ear against the door and try to twist the door knob, only to discover that it's locked. The voice is more clear now, but still muffled due to the sound proofing that's been done in the basement. I strain my ears and listen, "He didn't deserve the years of abuse, Chuck! He didn't- I didn't-" Fuck, he's- I need to get in there. In a split second decision, I get my gun ready and put my full force and weight on the door, popping the hinge enough to open the door with skilled ease, and I mentally thank myself for installing that new lock a few months ago. 

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