Chapter 17, The Fear That Binds Me

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I walk to the kitchen, going straight to the fridge and pulling meat and vegetables out for dinner, getting to work immediately. I prepare the chicken, seasoning it and letting it rest while I move to the asparagus. Once it's ready, I pop them into the oven and start pan searing the chicken on the stovetop. I grab the ingredients for cornbread, mixing it before sliding the baking dish into the oven beside the asparagus. I spend well over two hours in the kitchen, making enough food for an army. I gather the ingredients for a last minute salad, not knowing if Louis has any dietary restrictions. After I'm done, I walk back to the entertainment room and get everyone's attention, stating "Food's ready in five." After hearing Niall make a strange noise and a few okay's from the others, I decide to go wake Louis up. When I enter the room, he's splayed out on the couch with his eyes closed, unmoving. His dog is still laying at his feet, and the cat is curled up on the back of the couch. I watch his chest move with his breathing for a second, before remembering what I came for. I walk towards him, lightly touching his shoulder and whispering his name. He whimpers, trying to move away from my hand, but he still doesn't wake. Not knowing what to do, i shake his shoulder slightly harder, saying his name a little louder this time, expecting him to open his eyes.

What I don't expect is for him to pull a knife seemingly from out of nowhere and point it at me. He holds it up until he realizes where he is, and i back off of him, providing explanation as i do so. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry I was just waking you up to tell you that it's dinner time!" He sighs, wincing as he tucks the knife away and moves to sit up. Without thinking, I reach to help him, but stop when I see his glare. I clear my throat, and hoping to clear the awkwardness from the air, I say "I'll leave you be, um... everyone's probably already in the dining room, if you follow the noise you'll find us." He stares at me, giving a few slow blinks, and I continue my rant. "Oh! Your stuff is right there, if you want to change into something less... bloody?" I watch him look down, grimacing a bit, and then he nods at me, still not breaking his silent streak. After a few seconds I realize he isn't going to respond, so I make my exit.


"Lewis! Get in here and clean this table off or I swear to god I'll punish you. The longer you take, the worse it will be, boy!" I hear Damien's voice ring through the hallway, making me freeze momentarily, the bucket in my hand falling to the floor. "No no no no. Please don't!" I whisper, but it's too late, the bucket tips and the murky water splashes out and soaks into the white carpet. I know he heard it, and judging by the heavy footsteps, he's about to see the mess. I drop to my knees, trying to soak up the dirty water with a sponge. I'm so focused on repairing the damage, that I don't hear his footsteps getting closer. A heavy hand lands on my shoulder, clamping down and the excruciating pain shoots down my arm, as his thundering voice booms in my ear. "LEWIS'' Why doesn't he sound mad? "LOUIS?" Wait what? He doesn't call me that.

"Louis!" I wake with a start, immediately grabbing the knife I hid between the couch cushions after I swiped it from Callum. I hold it up to whoever it is that touched me, vision still foggy from sleep. After a few seconds, I blink until my vision is clear, and Harry is standing over me, looking shocked for a moment until he backs away from the blade, babbling out an apology, and saying something about dinner. I try to move to get up, pain from my wound flaring up and making itself very known. Harry moves to touch me, probably trying to help me move but I glare at him, the fear and anger from my dream slipping through and making me want to lash out at something. He takes the hint, retracting his hand and picking up where he was with his talking. I listen to him give me shitty directions to the dining room, and then I watch him struggle to tell me to change. I look down, suddenly reminded of my outfit, and make a face when the smell of my own blood hits my senses. I make a face, nodding at his suggestion. He stares at me for a few seconds, before taking the hint and leaving the room. As soon as he's out, I'm moving. I dig in my bag, grabbing the pills I need, before reaching into another and grabbing a water bottle. Each bag has different things, two bags have clothes, with hygiene necessities in the pockets, one is stuffed with medical supplies and medicines he might need, one has compact camping gear, and one of the duffle bags has food in it. The other duffle bag is filled with weapons, an ex, three assault rifles, a sniper rifle, a few handguns and big knives, a few small ones, and boxes of ammunition for the guns.

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