Chapter 48, No Pity For A Coward

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Wednesday update!! Enjoy :)



After injecting Damien with Rohypnol, I wipe my hands on the rag Harry tossed me and walk under is arm when he holds the door open for me, watching as Harry waves someone over and points to the slumped over man in the chair, "Have Kai clean up his wounds and put him back in his box." I watch the young boy scurry off after he nods, eager to do something Harry demands. Curious, I ask, "How old is he?" Harry looks at the direction the boy went in, now seeing him talking to Kayla and Kai. He shrugs, "I think he's seventeen? He asked Liam if he could sleep in the bookstore for a few nights, and Liam came to me asking if it was alright if he put him to work with us. He doesn't do anything dangerous, mostly he just works with Liam, but he's Kai's problem right now. He's starting his basic training." I nod, looking at him as I ask, "What is basic training? I know everyone here has to go through it, is that something I'll have to go through?"

I haven't told anyone that I want to stay with the gang, and it's not something that I'm sure of, but I am curious about what it would include. "It depends on what you want to do in the mafia. If you want to work in medical, you spend about two months with Callum and then about another month with Kai, since he works under Callum. If you want to specialize in combat, you'll go to Mitch, or if he's busy, you'll train under Zayn. It's the same with the rest, if you're good with numbers, I'll assign you to Ashton, Luke, or Mikey, to help with Money, Drugs, or Weapons dealing. It's rare for us to find someone to work with Ed, but It all depends on what you're naturally good at, honestly. There's no use in sending an idiot to work under any of them, so usually the grunts get sent to do grunt work, sorting or moving stuff for me." I nod along, wondering how many people end up being grunts. I hear a huff coming from the corner, where the cells are, so I start to walk over them. Did he already wake up? I think, but I stop short when I see a man in the outer cell hunched over on his bed. I turn to Harry, "You kept him? Niall said you'd gotten what you needed out of him." Harry grabs by arm, not hard, but still enough to pull me away from the area and into a separate room before he starts explaining.

"I just wanted to know how many were in his group, but when Zayn flashed a gun in his face, he spilled everything. Gutless fuck told him every detail. Well, almost. We didn't know about Justin, you'll have to tell me about that, by the way. Anyways, apparently they have a mansion bigger than Cosse, about two hours from here, where they have been running what is essentially a brothel. This was one of the places that were just getting started when my Father broke the trafficking ring, and someone in our ranks must have snitched and let them get away before we could locate them. There's four floors, including the basement. The youngest and 'inexperienced' stay down there, and the older or 'experienced' individuals stay on the top floor, away from everyone. The main floor and second floor are filled with gang members. We took about half of them out during the raid though." I take a second, trying to sort through my thoughts, but a buried memory makes itself known again.

I dig through my backpack, ignoring the other kids around me, trying to find my binder. I slide it out from between my English and Math book, sliding my fingers underneath the plastic slip in the front to get the pictures, needing to have some sort of comfort. Before I can get them all out, the lock on the door clicks, making me scramble to shove my bag under the mattress. In my hurry, I leave one picture out, so I try to shove the small square underneath me so that it's not visible if I don't move. A boy my age comes in, followed by the older man who feeds us and moves us around. I sit as still as possible, trying to make myself seem as small as possible to keep him from noticing anything. My efforts don't work though, and after a few seconds I'm being hauled up by the older man, while the young one grabs my backpack from under the mattress, zipping it up before turning and pushing it against my chest. The larger man speaks up, "Time to go kid, you can keep the bag, but put it on your back." I nod, following instructions while trying to keep myself from shaking. Where are we going?

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