Chapter 25, Memories Kept Vague.

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Hello, wonderful people. Here's a weekend update, I know it's late, but it's still here!  




When the question comes from his mouth, it's easy to answer. I'm not expecting it when I turn to look at him only to receive a car door being slammed, and my eyes follow Louis' retreating form being followed by Clifford until I see the front door open and close in the same harsh manner. When I'm safely inside the house, I'm greeted with Liam and Niall standing in the entryway, confused looks on both of their faces. I watch Niall look up the empty stairs and turn back to me, asking "What's wrong with Lou?" I quickly peek at the stairs, before sighing and explaining why he's upset. "He asked how long I knew about Frederick being after him." I see Niall's mouth open a bit in surprise before Liam speaks up, "You told him? I thought that was the one thing you told us not to tell him! You knew he wouldn't take it well, H. '' I roll my eyes, pulling my phone out of my pocket to check the time as I say, "I'm sure he'll be fine, he's a big boy. Besides, I'm the one who told him, you have nothing to worry about. Just let him cool off for a bit. I have to go deal with some business at 17BLACK, I will be back before dinner." without waiting for a response, I turn and make my way back out to my own car, grabbing the keys from their designated hook on the way.


After the front door closes, Louis hears footsteps coming up the stairs so he rushes into his room, thankful for his bags already being piled onto the bed. Letting the cat in his arms onto the bed, he grabs an outfit from a bag, slipping into the connecting bathroom to change out of his damp outfit. He takes a look around the room, realizing he left quite the mess in his anxiety fueled rush this morning. He picks up the laundry hamper and sets it back up in its place against the wall, also gathering the clean towels he must've pushed off of the counter in his rush, too. He throws his wet clothes into the sink, not wanting them to get forgotten about in the bottom of a basket, and then decides to fold the towels. He gets through three of them before he hears a knock on his door. Dreadfully, he moves to unlock it and open it, revealing a sheepish Niall, holding a bag of chips and two beers in his hands. Sighing, Louis opens the door fully, silently allowing Niall to enter. He pushes his bags from the bed and onto the floor, ignoring Clifford and Princess on his bed as he hops onto it, looking at Niall expectantly. He watches as Niall struggles to set everything down before finally giving in and letting it fall onto the mattress, wearing a sheepish look when he realizes that he's being watched. "Uh, sorry about that. I wanted to apologize for not telling you that we knew about Fredrick coming after you. We were under Harry's orders, not that I'm trying to point the blame at him, but I can't not follow his orders, yanno?"

Louis nods in understanding, not really feeling any anger towards Niall because he understands it. After accepting the apology, Niall speaks up once more, "You wanna play Fifa again? Or we can watch a movie, we have Hulu now, and all of the Marvel shows are on there." his tone is questioning, and Louis can't help the way his face lights up at the thought of watching some of the new Marvel films. Niall must see it, because he laughs a bit and grabs the controller and remotes before throwing himself next to Louis on the bed, using the headboard as a back rest. He switches the T.V on, clicking on the first movie that pops up with the Marvel logo. He grabs the chips and beers from the foot of the bed and holds one out for Louis to take, setting the now opened bag of chips between both of their legs.

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