Chapter 43, Scream. Aim. Fire.

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Louis follows behind the last group of men, letting them go ahead of him while he fiddles with the needle and vial of drugs. Once the syringe is full of liquid, he tucks the glass bottle back into his pocket and walks into the metal building, stepping into a dark hallway. He runs his hand along the wall, feeling a rough carpet like texture. The hallway is almost fully pitch black, with the exception of a U.V light on the ceiling every fifteen or so feet. He twists every door knob he finds along the walls, not surprised when he opens them and finds them bare or with a few dead men in them. He keeps a tight grip on the syringe in his injured hand, holding a knife in the other. He gets to the last two doors, but before he can open them, a man runs out of the opening where all of Harry's men have gone, trying to escape. The sight of him catches Louis off guard, and the man charges at Louis, knocking both the weapon and the needle out of his hands. He quickly reaches for his knife, only to realize that it has slid under the closed door near his head, so with quick thinking he grabs the syringe and sticks it into the guy's arm, the only thing he can reach from his position. Within twenty seconds the man on top of him stops attacking, hits getting weaker and weaker until he slumps over on top of Louis, effectively unconscious. He pushes the deadweight off of him, huffing when he realizes he'll have to fill another needle, but this time in the dark. Fucking assholes, he thinks as he pulls the gun from his chest and takes it off of safety, standing up and brushing himself off when he see's that his stockings were ruined, somehow having been ripped during the struggle.

He sticks his hand through the hole on his thigh, glaring down at the unconscious man before he brings the steel toe of his boot down and kicks the grown man in his side as payback, cursing as he does so. He sees movement from the corner of his eye, so he points his gun and looks over to see another man dressed like the one at his feet, wearing a cut off tee and ugly pants. The man looks scared, like he's trying to find a place to hide, and it makes Louis crack a smile before he pulls the trigger, shooting the unsuspecting man in the chest. He hears footsteps a few seconds later so he raises his gun again, only putting it down when he sees a face he recognizes. Kayla stands in the doorway, looking winded and short of breath as she points to the two men now dead and unconscious behind the small man, "Slimy fuckers got away from me." Louis laughs, letting Kayla lead the way to the back of the building where he assumes he will find Harry and Damien. With this reminder, he pulls out another needle and the vial of cloudy substance, stopping to fill up the plastic tube before he tucks the bottle away and caps the needle, tucking it into his thigh strap so that Damien doesn't see it at first.


I follow Kayla until we reach an opening, and when my eyes adjust I can see that it's a game room of sorts. There are about five poker tables set up, and a few pool tables scattered around the room. There has to be at least thirty dead men laying on the floors or hunched over on a few of the gaming stations, some even sat in their chairs with cards and money scattered along the floor. I notice that every single man is white, which means when Harry called them racist and supremacists, he really meant it. Everyone is either moving bodies or standing and watching Harry, who's stood next to what looks like a secure door, talking to Niall and Zayn about something. He motions to the door with a sour look on his face before his head snaps up and his eyes meet mine. Kayla speaks up next to me, "Two of the dudes went in there when we started picking them off, Ed was trying to walk them through how to get the door open but the signal is bad and he kept breaking up." I walk over to where the group is huddled, and Harry finally speaks up. "Damien is in there, I saw his bulky ass tuck tail and run. We have two of the numbers, we just need the last three." I nod, looking at Niall who's trying to get cell service by holding his phone up in different directions. I push my way into the little huddle that they've formed, squeezing between the trio until I'm directly in front of the keypad. When I read the first two numbers, I snort. "You've got to be kidding. I know this fucking-" I stop myself from reacting, not knowing if I want to laugh like a maniac or cry at all of the similarities I've seen today. Carpeted walls, black lights, and now this?

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