Chapter 6, Tattooed in Reverse

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Same trigger warning as last chapter, mentions of drug use as well as details of torture, blood, and mentions of knives. If this might trigger you, PLEASE don't read. xx



Harry takes the knife he has just pulled out of Vinny's leg, as Niall tosses him a rag. He carefully wipes the blade, making sure to clean all of the blood from the steel. He knows he's just toying with Vincent now, but it's something he loves. With the shirt removed from Vinny's body, Harry says "If you don't sit still while I do this, it's going to feel a lot worse for you. Got it?" Without waiting for a response, he crowds into Vinny's space. He thinks about the way this entire fiasco has made him feel, and thinks about what Vinny has done. He feels betrayed. With this in mind, Harry presses the knife into the skin on Vincent's chest. Blood seeps from the wound, flowing down the blade and onto his hand. He takes his time, slowly slicing through the skin, carving the letter out. It's a little crooked, but he focuses on the task at hand. Ignoring the screams and jerking coming from the body in front of him, Harry slowly and carefully continues. After a minute or two, the first letter is completed. Harry, being the perfectionist that he is, takes the rag he's been holding, and clears the blood from Vinny's chest, revealing the letter. Satisfied with it, he continues. Focusing back in, once again ignoring the wailing coming from Vincent, he starts on the second letter. 

When he's done with this letter, he looks up, only to notice that Vinny has passed out from blood loss and exhaustion. He finishes what he's doing, slicing through the pale skin of the chest, slowly spelling out the word. When he's satisfied with his work, he stands up and calls Niall over. " Damn H, trying to send a message?" he jokes. Clearing away the blood that's seeping from Vinny's wound, Niall can see the word. 'BETRAYER' is carved into the area between Vincent's throat and upper stomach. While his body is still limp, Harry uses this moment to his advantage. While Vinny is out, Harry decides to take a break and plan out the next few moves. Checking his phone yet again, he finds nothing but the time and date staring back at him. Moving to the sink, Harry grabs a small tub from the table and fills it with water. Walking it back to Vinny, he throws the ice cold water. When Vinny starts thrashing around again, Harry waves Niall over. "Strap his hands down, will you? If I do this wrong it won't affect him as much, and they won't stay in." With that, Harry grabs a box of nails from the table, along with the ball peen hammer next to them. Setting down the bloody knife, he stalks his way back to the man in the chair. Vinny, who's now coherent enough to know where he is, watches Harry with wide eyes.

 "Since you've betrayed us, I've given you a little something" he pauses, gesturing to the lacerations. "That's gonna let people know that you were not to be trusted, and what I'm about to do is for shorting all of the big packages by at least 5 grams every time. Now, normally I'd let that slide or give you time to pay me back. But, from what I'm told, you've been a runner for three years, and in that time you've taken at least 3 pounds, give or take a few grams. Have you ever heard of the term "Don't bite the hand that feeds you?" As Harry is talking, he takes a piece of Vinny's shredded shirt and makes a gag, then ties it around Vinny's head to muffle the noises he's about to make. He picks up the hammer, grabbing a nail from the box near his leg on the floor, and places it on the tip of Vinny's finger, sliding it underneath the edge of the fingernail. Ignoring the muffled protests, he raises the hammer, and begins.

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